General Revenue Fund

The General Revenue (GR) Fund, also known as the general fund, is the principal funding source for most Oklahoma government operations. Any revenue that is not restricted for a specific purpose flows into the general fund. The Legislature may direct money out of this fund for any legal purpose of the government. 

Total General Revenue collections in FY 2022 were $8.512 billion, which was $1.512 million, or 21.6 percent, more than in FY 2021. The biggest contributors to the General Revenue Fund were the individual income tax ($3.214 billion, 38 percent), sales tax ($2.495 billion, 29 percent), and gross production tax ($1.075 billion, 13 percent). Dozens of smaller taxes and fees made up the rest.

The Legislature can appropriate up to 95 percent of the estimated General Revenue for the coming year (see Revenue Estimates). For Fiscal Year 2023, 74 percent of the money appropriated by the Legislature comes from General Revenue.