Guest Blog (Erin Lamey) – Workforce Readiness: Investing in Oklahoma’s human capital

Erin Lamey is the KIDS COUNT/Research Director for the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy. KIDS COUNT is a project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, dedicated to tracking child well-being. Many young people entering Oklahoma’s workforce year-after-year are unprepared for… Read more [More...]

Upcoming events: Conference on aging and childhood trauma lecture

We’re pleased to call your attention to two events that are coming up next week that should be of interest to many Oklahomans. The 35th Annual Oklahoma Conference on Aging, “The Art of Aging,” will convene May 18-20, 2010 at… Read more [More...]

KIDSCOUNT Data Center tells us how Oklahoma kids are doing

For advocates, policymakers, and the general public, having access to reliable data is among the essential building blocks of informed discussion and debate. Last week at the Fall Forum event of the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy (OICA), participants were… Read more [More...]