Reforming Criminal Justice: What the latest bill does and what stands in the way

A new criminal justice reform law seeks to reduce crime and ease the burden on overcrowded, understaffed prisons. We explain what the new law does and what still stands in the way of reform. Read more... [More...]

What's been done and what still needs doing on corrections reform

Oklahoma leads the nation for percentage of incarcerated women and is near the top for incarcerated men. Our prisons are at more than 95 percent capacity with only 70 percent staffing, which creates a dangerous environment for both guards and… Read more [More...]

Guest blog (Justin Jones): DOC budget cuts and offender growth are affecting public, employee and offender safety

Justin Jones, the author of this blog post, is Director of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections with 34 years of correctional experience. Like many other state agencies, the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (DOC) has been confronted with severe budget reductions… Read more [More...]

What's at stake: Prison powder keg

Back in March, a member of the Board that oversees the state Department of Corrections (DOC) delivered a blunt message to the state’s elected officials about the impact that growing inmate populations and funding cuts were having on the department’s… Read more [More...]