Public spending "provides the very foundation for a functioning free market economy"

In a blog post last summer, we took issue with the polarizing concept of “the government versus the private sector”.  We argued that you cannot have a vibrant, productive private sector without government undertaking a whole array of activities that… Read more [More...]

Politics for architects, or how fewer elections can be good for democracy

This week the Senate narrowly approved a bill to change how several state officials get their jobs. Under SB622, the State Treasurer, Labor Commissioner, Insurance Commissioner, State Superintendent, and the three-member Corporation Commission would be appointed by the governor and… Read more [More...]

Upcoming Event: Webinar on promoting savings in Oklahoma

Oklahoma Assets will host a 60-minute webinar on promoting savings in Oklahoma on Thursday, March 24 from 2:00 to 3:00pm CDT.  The presentation, ‘Taking it to the Bank: Promoting Savings in Oklahoma,’ features expert speakers via conference call and on-line… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Joey Senat): Open government laws need vigorous enforcement

Joey Senat is Associate Professor in the School of Media and Strategic Communications at Oklahoma State University and a member of the Board of FOI Oklahoma. He maintains the FOI Oklahoma blog where an earlier version of this post appeared.… Read more [More...]

The three part test for tax credits – and the fourth part we should be asking

When we discuss government budgets, direct spending receives the most attention by far. Less noticed is the substantial expenditure on tax credits and incentives, what some have called the “submerged state.” That inattention may have allowed several unconstitutional measures to… Read more [More...]

Should Oklahoma expand its property tax caps and exemptions?

Once again this session, property tax cuts are on the table in Oklahoma. Although curtailing Oklahoma’s already low property taxes with additional freezes and caps may sound appealing, a better approach would target help to people who need it without… Read more [More...]

Cutting the top income tax rate: Who benefits?

[UPDATE: You can download ITEP’s analysis here.] Yesterday the Senate voted to abolish the state income tax after Sen. Tom Adelson (D-Tulsa) introduced the measure as an amendment to another bill. With public services heavily dependent on income tax and… Read more [More...]

Oil strikes back

When the Board of Equalization met last week and certified more revenue for the upcoming fiscal year, there was one word on everyone’s mind: Oil. Of the total $106 million increase in the February estimate compared to the Board’s initial… Read more [More...]

Breaking down the Board of Equalization revenue numbers

The State Board of Equalization met yesterday to certify revised revenue estimates and appropriations authority for the upcoming year’s budget. Not yawning yet? Then do we have a 6-minute video blog post for you! For the full Board of Equalization… Read more [More...]

Upcoming Event: 4th Annual Sunshine Week Conference

Freedom Of Information Oklahoma’s fourth annual Sunshine Week Conference will be held on Saturday, March 12. The daylong conference kicks off with the keynote speech at 9 a.m.  This year’s conference theme is “Putting Muscle Behind Oklahoma’s FOI Laws.”… Read more [More...]