The pension crisis is over

Oklahoma’s seven public pension systems  have a combined unfunded liability of $11.6 billion as of June 30, 2012. This large  number alone is often put forward to make the case for doing away with traditional defined benefit pensions for state… Read more [More...]

Watch This: Debunking Myths About Who Pays Taxes

During the last presidential election, much was made of the fact that nearly half of Americans paid no federal income tax in 2010.  But is it true? A new 4 minute illustrated video from The Urban Institute explains who doesn’t… Read more [More...]

How the incentives arms race is a lose-lose for cities and states (Guest Blog: Cynthia Rogers)

Dr. Cynthia Rogers is  Associate Professor in the Economics Department at the University of Oklahoma, where she served as the Graduate Director from 2006-2013. This is an edited version of a brief originally published for the Scholars Strategy Network, of… Read more [More...]

SQ 766 gives AT&T a $23 million tax break while costing schools $31 million

State Question 766, which exempted businesses from paying taxes on their intangible property, will reduce local tax revenues by an estimated $60.2 million in 2013, according to figures provided by the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC). The biggest winners will be… Read more [More...]

Comparing State Taxes on Unconventional Oil and Gas Production

Oklahoma's taxes on unconventional production of oil and gas, or horizontal drilling, are among the nation's lowest and would remain relatively low even if the state eliminated the tax breaks currently benefiting horizontal drilling. [More...]

Summer Rerun: Low tax state for who?

This post originally ran on our blog this past January Like most state tax systems, Oklahoma takes a much larger share from middle- and low-income families than from wealthy families, according to the fourth edition of “Who Pays? A Distributional… Read more [More...]

Revenue report reveals rocky road

Last week, the Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES) announced monthly General Revenue (GR) collections for June, bringing Fiscal Year 2013 to a close. While Finance Secretary Preston Doerflinger’s candid assessment of plunging gross production revenues grabbed the headlines,… Read more [More...]

“How Money Walks” has no leg to stand on

During the debate over Oklahoma’s most recent income tax cut, one House lawmaker speaking in favor of the bill waved a book in the air that he said showed why cutting taxes further would help Oklahoma’s economy. The book was… Read more [More...]

After talk of reining in tax breaks, Oklahoma added more

Even as Governor Fallin and legislative leaders were patting themselves on the back for this year’s legislative session, one Republican lawmaker sounded a discordant note. Rep. David Dank, R-Oklahoma City, awarded the session a “C-minus at best,” saying it was… Read more [More...]

FY 2014 Budget Highlights

OK Policy’s annual Budget Highlights issue brief is one of the most informative and accessible ways to track Oklahoma’s public spending. Read more... [More...]