Federal aid to Oklahoma under the ax in Ryan budget plan

Without new revenue, federal deficit reduction efforts will lead to devastating cuts in federal support for education, transportation, law enforcement, the social safety net,  and other state and local programs, according to a new report from the  Center on Budget… Read more [More...]

Faulty Structures: Report puts spotlight on threats to states' fiscal stability

This session, the Oklahoma legislature debated a slew of proposals to cut and, in some cases, eliminate Oklahoma’s personal income tax. While some proposals were revenue-neutral, doing away with tax credits and deductions to offset cuts to the top marginal… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Peter Fisher): The Doctor is Out to Lunch – ALEC recommends wrong prescriptions for state prosperity

Peter Fisher is Research Director of the Iowa Policy Project. This is an abridged and edited version of a brief that was prepared as part of a larger research project critically examining several state economic competitiveness rankings published by national… Read more [More...]

That's a Laffer! Top economists unanimously reject that tax cuts will yield higher revenue

Would an income tax cut foster so much economic growth that tax revenues would actually go up? In other words, can tax cuts pay for themselves?  A new poll of 40 of America’s foremost economic experts was unable to find… Read more [More...]

Guest Post (Indivar Dutta-Gupta): EITC Even Better for Children than We Thought

Indivar Dutta-Gupta is a Policy Advisor for the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP). This post originally appeared on the Off The Charts blog. We previously showed that the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for low-income workers lifts more… Read more [More...]

Property tax "cuts" create winners and losers

Two state questions related to property taxes will be on the November ballot. SQ 758 would reduce the maximum annual increase in assessments of homes and agricultural land from 5 percent to 3 percent. SQ 766 would exempt all intangible… Read more [More...]

Update: Rainy Day Fund Basics

This is a revised and updated version of a page from OK Policy’s Online Budget Guide authored by Paul Shinn. [UPDATE: A previous version of this post incorrectly said that the maximum amount for the Rainy Day Fund is 15… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Cal Hobson): Bonds. State Bonds.

Cal Hobson served in the Oklahoma Legislature from 1978-2006, including one term as Senate President Pro Tempore. This is an edited version of an article that first appeared in the Oklahoma Observer. In my opinion, when Gov. Mary Fallin’s ill-advised… Read more [More...]

The shrinking state employee workforce

In the wake of three consecutive years of steep budget cuts, the number of state employees staffing correctional facilities, inspecting restaurants and nursing homes, serving victims of abuse and neglect, and performing other public functions has declined sharply. In FY… Read more [More...]

How Oklahomans fare under competing plans for the Bush tax cuts

Middle- and low-income Oklahomans would pay somewhat more in taxes under the Congressional Republicans’ approach to extending the Bush tax cuts than they would under President Obama’s approach, while high-income Oklahomans would pay far less under the Republican approach, according… Read more [More...]