What happens ‘when push comes to shove’ on the budget (Capitol Update)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. There’s a phrase that most people have heard or used: “when push comes to shove.” Generally, this… Read more [More...]

Repeal the capital gains tax break

A tax break that benefits a small number of wealthy taxpayers and costs the state of Oklahoma around $100 million per year cannot “be credibly shown to have significant economic impact or a positive return on investment for the State,”… Read more [More...]

New poll finds Oklahoma voters want comprehensive revenue deal in special session

A new poll shows a large majority of Oklahoma voters (67 percent) want lawmakers to pass a comprehensive revenue plan in special session that avoids further cuts and funds a teacher pay raise and other critical needs. That compares to… Read more [More...]

It matters who we ask to pay more

As lawmakers continue to work to develop a plan to address the state’s budget crisis, the top priority has rightly been generating enough new revenue to avoid even more cuts to critical services and to fund longstanding needs like a… Read more [More...]

Reasons for optimism about special session (Capitol Update)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. With special session underway, it’s rational to be cautiously optimistic that schools and state agencies will make… Read more [More...]

Fact Sheet: Six Ways to Bring in New Revenues in Special Session

Download this fact sheet as a pdf. Even before the court threw out the cigarette fee, the budget severely underfunded core services — worsening the teacher shortage, forcing senior nutrition sites to close, cutting support for foster families, and not… Read more [More...]

Bills filed in special session put many options in play

Yesterday was the first day of the special legislative session called by Governor Fallin to fix Oklahoma’s chronic budget problems. One day in, the outcome of special session is still very much up in the air. With so much at… Read more [More...]

Lawmakers have good revenue options for special session if they have the will to use them

Governor Fallin has officially called the Oklahoma Legislature into a special session beginning September 25 in order to fix the state budget, which has a more than $200 million hole due to the Oklahoma Supreme Court’s rejection of a cigarette fee.… Read more [More...]

Supreme Court strikes a balance on State Question 640

“The purpose and intent of State Question 640 is now eviscerated…” So declared Oklahoma Chief Justice Douglas Combs in a dissent to last month’s 5-4 Supreme Court decision upholding a new state law that partially removed a tax exemption on… Read more [More...]

Auto tax ruling has newly defined course of Oklahoma history (Capitol Update)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. The Supreme Court ruled last week on the constitutionality of HB 2433 that, last session, removed the… Read more [More...]