OCPA’s attack on OK Policy and ITEP doesn’t hold up

Last night, the Oklahoma Council on Public Affairs released a statement attacking the credibility and integrity of Oklahoma Policy Institute and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP). They claim that a “Number of the Day” we cited from a… Read more [More...]

Itemized deduction proposal has flaws, but opponents’ claims are overstated

With only a couple of week lefts in the Legislative session, lawmakers are scrambling to put together a budget that avoids devastating cuts to Oklahoma communities. The latest revenue idea to emerge is to limit itemized deductions to $17,000 per tax return,… Read more [More...]

On revenue options, the right choice is “All of the Above”

With less than three weeks left in the legislative session, there is still no overall budget agreement. Facing a budget hole of close to $1 billion, a bipartisan consensus has emerged at the Capitol on the need for substantial new… Read more [More...]

Statement: Repeal of tax cut is a milestone for Oklahoma

Oklahoma Policy Institute released a statement in response to the Legislature’s final passage of SB 170, a bill to repeal an automatic income tax cut trigger: The repeal of this tax cut is a milestone. After years of promises that… Read more [More...]

House and Senate vacancies should make passing revenue bills easier (Capitol Updates)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. Several revenue-raising measures were introduced last week, and at least some will soon be making… Read more [More...]

How would you fix the budget?

Oklahoma lawmakers have just a few more weeks to balance the state budget. Their budget decisions are deeply important for Oklahomans’ lives, yet with so many budget needs and revenue proposals flying around, it can be hard for the average voter to… Read more [More...]

Itemized deduction reform is a promising state budget solution

When Oklahomans filed their state income taxes in 2016, more than 70 percent of households used the standard deduction, which was $6,300 for individuals and $12,600 for married couples filing jointly. The remaining households itemized their deductions, adding up deductions for mortgage… Read more [More...]

Are we breaking ‘free at last’ from anti-tax dogma? (Capitol Updates)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. Free at last! There was an interesting exchange on the House floor last week between… Read more [More...]

New report brings lessons of Oklahoma history to modern budget challenges

Oklahoma is a young state. In the 110 years since statehood — only about four generations of people — we’ve gone through good years and bad, through oil booms and busts, through the Dust Bowl and the long recovery. Many… Read more [More...]

Lessons of Our History, Part 3: Oklahoma can invest in our communities with smart policy choices

[Download the full report as a pdf.] << Go back to Part 2: Our challenge for today The good news is that Oklahoma does have the resources to reinvest in our communities, but we need to make responsible policy choices… Read more [More...]