Are we breaking ‘free at last’ from anti-tax dogma? (Capitol Updates)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. Free at last! There was an interesting exchange on the House floor last week between… Read more [More...]

New report brings lessons of Oklahoma history to modern budget challenges

Oklahoma is a young state. In the 110 years since statehood — only about four generations of people — we’ve gone through good years and bad, through oil booms and busts, through the Dust Bowl and the long recovery. Many… Read more [More...]

Lessons of Our History, Part 3: Oklahoma can invest in our communities with smart policy choices

[Download the full report as a pdf.] << Go back to Part 2: Our challenge for today The good news is that Oklahoma does have the resources to reinvest in our communities, but we need to make responsible policy choices… Read more [More...]

Lessons of Our History, Part 2: Our challenge for today

[Download the full report as a pdf.] << Go back to Part 1: What we’ve accomplished as a state These examples from our history shows that Oklahomans can come together to solve big problems through state government. From humble origins… Read more [More...]

Lessons of Our History, Part 1: What we’ve accomplished as a state

[Download the full report as a pdf.] << Go back to the introduction In a time when our political debates tend toward increasingly extreme rhetoric, it’s easy to get the impression that government has always been dominated by infighting and… Read more [More...]

Lessons of Our History: Oklahoma’s past accomplishments teach us how to build a better budget and a better future

Oklahoma’s past contains big successes arising from public investments. In our relatively short history as a state, we've put an end to dust bowls, brought health care to our children, and made big improvements to public schools — and we have solutions to reinvigorate these common goals today. Read more... [More...]

We must end oil and gas tax breaks to save Oklahoma communities

Oklahoma is facing a genuine budget crisis. Our schools, care providers, correctional facilities, judicial system, and other critical functions have absorbed year after year of cuts and are losing the ability to fill their basic missions. The loss of these services… Read more [More...]

There will be some revenue bills passed, but the question is how much? (Capitol Update)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. The work of the standing committees is finished for this session. Bills now have one week… Read more [More...]

What happened to my refund?

It’s tax time again, and if you are one of the more than 300,000 Oklahoma households that claim the state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) you may have noticed that your tax refund is lower than it was last year,… Read more [More...]

Fog has yet to clear on state budget (Capitol Updates)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. Nine weeks down and seven weeks to go in this session, and the fog has… Read more [More...]