The effects of budget cuts on Oklahoma prisons are hidden but dangerous

No state agency has escaped budget cuts unscathed. For many Oklahomans, the effects are most visible in their schools and communities, as their children lose teachers and their friends and neighbors lose needed health care services. Less visible is the… Read more [More...]

Revenue options still on the table could avert budget catastrophe

With less than two weeks until the end of the Legislative session, there’s still no agreement on the state budget. The stakes are exceptionally high: unless legislators agree on ways to close the budget gap, deep cuts are certain to… Read more [More...]

Budget cuts put unbalanced burden on places of worship (Guest Post: Dr. Mitch Randall)

Dr. Mitch Randall is the Senior Pastor at NorthHaven Church in Norman. These are his remarks from a recent press conference urging lawmakers not to reduce or eliminate tax credits that benefit low-income Oklahomans. You can read the letter in… Read more [More...]

‘The fat is in the fire’ (Capitol Updates)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. You can sign up on his website to receive the Capitol Updates newsletter by email.… Read more [More...]

New bill would devastate a key tax credit for Oklahoma working families

Yesterday, a letter signed by more than 150 Oklahoma clergy was delivered to lawmakers and Governor Fallin, urging them not to slash key tax credits for working families to fix the state’s revenue problems. They were joined by numerous non-profit… Read more [More...]

New video and tools to save tax credits for working families

[youtube id=”sN__TaZClHo” mode=”normal”] Today more than 140 religious leaders and over two dozen non-profit organizations and foundations are speaking out against state budget plans that threaten tax credits for hundreds of thousands of working families and seniors. Clergy from across… Read more [More...]

Protections for vulnerable seniors, children, and Oklahomans with disabilities are crumbling around us

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) made waves in April when Director Ed Lake sent a letter to employees and providers warning that DHS is facing “cuts we simply cannot make without significant consequences for the people who depend… Read more [More...]

It’s the revenue, stupid! (Guest post: Ken Miller)

Ken Miller, PhD, is the Oklahoma State Treasurer and an economics professor at Oklahoma Christian University.  This post originally appeared as an article in the April 2016 Oklahoma Economic Report and is reprinted with permission. This month’s Gross Receipts to… Read more [More...]

Even amid energy bust, Oklahoma’s oil and gas tax breaks exceed $400 million per year

Oklahoma continues to give up well over $400 million per year in tax breaks to oil and gas producers, even as oil prices fall and the industry sheds thousands of jobs, according to data compiled from the Oklahoma Tax Commission.… Read more [More...]

Cuts to Indigent Defense System have left our justice system deeply unbalanced

Add this to the list of potential fallout from the state’s unprecedented budget disaster: Oklahoma may soon be forced to release people accused of violent crimes because the state can’t afford to pay for their legal representation. This nearly came… Read more [More...]