Protections for vulnerable seniors, children, and Oklahomans with disabilities are crumbling around us

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) made waves in April when Director Ed Lake sent a letter to employees and providers warning that DHS is facing “cuts we simply cannot make without significant consequences for the people who depend… Read more [More...]

It’s the revenue, stupid! (Guest post: Ken Miller)

Ken Miller, PhD, is the Oklahoma State Treasurer and an economics professor at Oklahoma Christian University.  This post originally appeared as an article in the April 2016 Oklahoma Economic Report and is reprinted with permission. This month’s Gross Receipts to… Read more [More...]

Even amid energy bust, Oklahoma’s oil and gas tax breaks exceed $400 million per year

Oklahoma continues to give up well over $400 million per year in tax breaks to oil and gas producers, even as oil prices fall and the industry sheds thousands of jobs, according to data compiled from the Oklahoma Tax Commission.… Read more [More...]

Cuts to Indigent Defense System have left our justice system deeply unbalanced

Add this to the list of potential fallout from the state’s unprecedented budget disaster: Oklahoma may soon be forced to release people accused of violent crimes because the state can’t afford to pay for their legal representation. This nearly came… Read more [More...]

No soldier left behind? How budget cuts impact veterans

Cody Minyard is an OK Policy intern and a political science senior at the University of Oklahoma. He is a citizen of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. During this legislative session, the projected deficit has reached $1.3 billion. Without solutions that… Read more [More...]

Child abuse statistics show how budget policy matters (Capitol Updates)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. You can sign up on his website to receive the Capitol Updates newsletter by email.… Read more [More...]

The down low on taxing downloads

One of the recurring revenue options that Gov. Mary Fallin laid out in her FY 2017 Executive Budget involved “modernizing the sales tax.” This was presented as something of a catch-all category described as “keeping the same low rates and… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma’s costly lack of foresight in not funding mental health care (Guest post: Tiara Blue)

Tiara Blue is an instructor at Murray State College in Tishomingo and a contributing writer for NonDoc. Foresight. I underlined this word twice in my notes for the late Professor J. Rufus Fears’ “Ancient Rome” course. I was just a… Read more [More...]

New budget plans would go after low-income parents to fix state’s revenue problems

Oklahoma’s massive budget shortfall means that lawmakers face stark choices this year. They can choose devastating cuts to Oklahoma public schools, health care, and other essential services. Or they can shore up the state’s finances and invest in a stronger… Read more [More...]

Closing weeks of session may bring the greatest test for this generation of Oklahoma legislators (Capitol Updates)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. You can sign up on his website to receive the Capitol Updates newsletter by email.… Read more [More...]