Tax cuts now reducing state revenues by over $1 billion per year

A new report by OK Policy finds that the cost of state income tax cuts since the mid-2000s has grown to over $1 billion annually. Repeated tax cuts and shrinking state budgets have left state services severely weakened, even before… Read more [More...]

The Cost of Tax Cuts in Oklahoma

Repeated income tax cuts since the mid-2000s have reduced state revenues by more than $1 billion annually. These cuts are eroding important public services and threatening Oklahoma’s economic well-being... Read more [More...]

What you can do with your tax cut

On January 1st, Oklahoma made the latest in a series of cuts to the top income tax rate. The cut is happening even though we are facing a massive budget hole and a mid-year revenue failure.  This tax cut is… Read more [More...]

Leadership failure

An earlier version of this post appeared in the Journal Record Today, as Oklahomans gather together to enjoy the first day of  the new year by watching Bowl Games, feasting on black-eyed peas, and nursing hangovers, two significant and seemingly… Read more [More...]

Making sense of the mid-year “revenue failure”

Today Finance Secretary Preston Doerflinger officially declared a revenue failure, triggering $176.9 million in cuts in agency allocations for the current budget year, FY 2016. The revenue failure is the result of revenue collections coming in well below the official… Read more [More...]

Statement: Budget emergency won’t be solved by doubling down on cuts

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement in response to official projections that Oklahoma will enact midyear budget cuts this year and is expecting a $900.8 million budget hole next year: The projected mid-year cuts and next year’s massive budget… Read more [More...]

Would expanding the Rainy Day Fund help Oklahoma’s revenue problems? (Capitol Updates)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. You can sign up on his website to receive the Capitol Updates newsletter by email.… Read more [More...]

Until the state proves it can live within its means, it really should stop reducing them (Guest post: Ken Miller)

Ken Miller, PhD, is the Oklahoma State Treasurer and an economics professor at Oklahoma Christian University.  This post originally appeared as an article in the November 2015 Oklahoma Economic Report and is reprinted with permission. The billion dollar question that… Read more [More...]

Would budget-only sessions create more problems than they solve?

This is an updated and expanded version of a column that originally appeared in the Journal Record. No one who observes or participates in developing Oklahoma’s budget is happy with how things work. Each year, the Legislature approves billions in… Read more [More...]

OCPA’s ‘alternative’ for funding teacher raises proves it can’t be done without new taxes

Last month, a group of Oklahomans led by University of Oklahoma President David Boren launched an effort to put an initiative petition on the ballot that would restore funding to education in Oklahoma through a 1 percent statewide sales tax… Read more [More...]