Rainy Day Fund 101

With the state now facing a massive budget shortfall, attention has turned to tapping the Rainy Day Fund to close a portion of the gap. This post gives an overview of the Rainy Day Fund and how it might be… Read more [More...]

Avoid ‘naked tax cuts with none of the pay fors’ (Guest post: Oklahoma Economic Report)

This article originally appeared in State Treasurer Ken Miller’s monthly newsletter, the Oklahoma Economic Report. At the dawn of a new legislative session, current government expenses once again exceed expected revenues and agencies are lining up with $2 billion in… Read more [More...]

STATEMENT: Bleak revenue estimate shows need to look at all options

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement in response to state officials certifying that Oklahoma faces a $611.3 million budget shortfall in the coming year: This news that Oklahoma’s revenue picture has gone from bad to worse cannot be blamed… Read more [More...]

The wind energy debate comes sweeping down to the Capitol

Editor’s Note: Wind power is a growing source of energy production in Oklahoma that is drawing close scrutiny at the state Capitol. Is wind production beneficial to Oklahoma’s economy and communities? Should the state continue to provide the industry with… Read more [More...]

Have Oklahoma gaming revenues peaked?

Ten years after Oklahoma voters approved gaming compacts with Native American tribes and racetrack gaming, the state is collecting over $140 million annually as its share of gaming revenues. However, years of growth in gaming revenue have now ended, which… Read more [More...]

‘Starve the beast’ comes to Oklahoma (Steve Lewis Capitol Updates)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. You can sign up on his website to receive the Capitol Updates newsletter by email.… Read more [More...]

Four takeaways from the Governor’s budget

On Monday, Governor Mary Fallin delivered her State of the State address and  FY 2016 Executive Budget. Her speech emphasized the need to address hurdles in the areas of education, health, and criminal justice that are impeding the state’s progress.… Read more [More...]

STATEMENT: Governor Fallin’s proposed budget leaves Oklahoma’s best tools on the shelf

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement in response to Governor Fallin’s proposed state budget for 2016: Governor Fallin rightly recognizes that Oklahoma needs to boost education funding, reduce incarceration, rein in tax breaks, and improve our citizens’ health, and… Read more [More...]

Priorities for Oklahoma lawmakers in 2015

Oklahoma’s 2015 Legislative session kicks off today with a State of the State address from Governor Mary Fallin. OK Policy and the Together Oklahoma coalition have identified six priorities for the coming session that are practical, politically achievable steps to… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma’s Budget Outlook: Confronting the Fiscal Gap (State Budget Summit 2015)

Presentation by OK Policy Executive Director David Blatt to the 2015 State Budget Summit, January 29, 2015  Download the presentation (PDF)  Oklahoma’s Budget Outlook: Confronting the Fiscal Gap by dblattok… Read more [More...]