The mystery of the disappearing revenue

The latest headlines about Oklahoma’s finances seem oddly contradictory. On the one hand, State Treasurer Ken Miller has announced gross revenue collections are hitting an all-time high. Oklahoma’s total collections of $6.64 billion dollars are $278 million higher than the… Read more [More...]

Let’s have full accountability for tax cuts (Guest Post: Kent Olson)

Kent Olson is Professor of Economics Emeritus at Oklahoma State University Over the past decade, the Oklahoma legislature enacted several measures that reduced the top bracket rate of the individual income tax from 7 percent to 5.25 percent, and more… Read more [More...]

Moving new employees to 401(k)s would endanger existing pensions, increase cost to taxpayers

During this year’s State of the State address, Gov. Mary Fallin expressed strong support for doing away with traditional  defined benefit pension plans for new hires within the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) in favor of 401k-style defined contribution… Read more [More...]

One More Time: Past income tax cuts did not cause Oklahoma revenues to rise

Once again this session, proponents of cuts to Oklahoma’s top income tax rate are arguing that cutting taxes will lead to higher tax revenues, basing their position on the notion that Oklahoma’s tax collections rose after the state cut taxes… Read more [More...]

Tax cut experiment leaves Kansans struggling (Guest post: Annie McKay)

Annie McKay is Executive Director of the Kansas Center for Economic Growth (KCEG). This post previously appeared on the KCEG blog. Ever since Kansas enacted substantial income tax cuts in 2012 and 2013, we have eagerly awaited the prosperity and… Read more [More...]

Graph of the Day: Tax cut will provide little benefit to most Oklahomans

The average Oklahoman would get just $29 from Governor Mary Fallin’s proposed income tax cut, while one-quarter of the total benefit would go to the wealthiest 1 percent of households, according to a new analysis prepared by the Institute for… Read more [More...]

Do cuts in state income taxes boost economic growth? (Guest Post: Dan Rickman)

Dan Rickman is Regents Professor of Economics and Oklahoma Gas and Electric Services Chair in Regional Economic Analysis at Oklahoma State University. This is a revised version of a brief published by the Scholars Strategy Network, of which he is… Read more [More...]

Why Oklahoma is losing Medicaid funding (Guest post: JeVonna Caine)

JeVonna Caine,one of OK Policy’s 2013-14 Research Fellows,  is pursuing a Masters of Public Health in Health Administration and Policy from the OU Health Sciences Center, while also working at the State Department of Health in the Health Planning &… Read more [More...]

The Governor’s Budget In-Depth: Budget cuts plus tax cuts don’t add up

With state agencies and schools still struggling to climb out  of deep budget holes from the last recession, Governor Mary Fallin’s FY 2015 Executive Budget proposes even deeper cuts that could seriously harm our families and our economy. With initial… Read more [More...]

STATEMENT: Governor Fallin’s budget would make bad situation worse

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement in response to Governor Fallin’s 2015 state budget proposal: Oklahoma already faces a difficult challenge this year to balance the budget without harming important services. Governor Fallin’s proposed budget takes a bad situation… Read more [More...]