Statement: We thank Gov. Fallin for vetoing expansion of predatory lending

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement in response to Governor Mary Fallin’s veto of HB 1913, a bill that would have allowed a new form of very high-cost lending: By vetoing HB 1913, Governor Fallin has prevented the expansion… Read more [More...]

HB 1270 adds bureaucratic hurdles for Oklahoma families and won’t generate promised savings

Earlier this spring, we warned that HB 1270 would grow administrative waste and punish poor families by requiring substantially more rigorous and more frequent verification procedures for families applying for SNAP (food stamps) and Medicaid (SoonerCare). Following public outcry, HB… Read more [More...]

Statement: HB 1913 creates unnecessary, abusive loans; Gov. Fallin should veto

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement in response to the Legislature’s passage of HB 1913: It is very disappointing that the Legislature has approved HB 1913. This bill was ​drafted ​and lobbied aggressively by the payday loan industry​. By… Read more [More...]

What happened to my refund?

It’s tax time again, and if you are one of the more than 300,000 Oklahoma households that claim the state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) you may have noticed that your tax refund is lower than it was last year,… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma school meals programs bring new strategies to fight child hunger

Maggie Den Harder is an intern with Oklahoma Policy Institute and a Masters of Public Administration student at the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa. In Oklahoma school meal programs are vital to helping children who are food insecure get reliable access to… Read more [More...]

Arts and Culture: A public-private partnership that’s good for education, the economy, and Oklahoma’s future (Guest Post: Brenda Granger)

Brenda Granger is Executive Director of the Oklahoma Museums Association. Today is Oklahoma Arts Day at the State Capitol. Arts and culture promote civility and transcend all boundaries. Arts and culture bring people together. Arts and culture are rooted in… Read more [More...]

Extended family leave for new parents would boost economy while addressing some of Oklahoma’s worst health rankings

Too many Oklahoma parents face an impossible choice – continue to work full-time and miss precious opportunities to bond with a new child, or leave work and put their finances and career at risk. Oklahomans shouldn’t face this choice.  New… Read more [More...]

“Prosperity Districts” won’t create prosperity for all…

The Oklahoma legislature is currently considering a bill, HB 2132, that would create “a grassfire of prosperity” in our state according to Representative Lewis Moore (R-Arcadia). But Oklahoma doesn’t need another grassfire.  They are unpredictable, dangerous, and usually leave behind… Read more [More...]

Predatory Lending Testimonials

Oklahomans throughout the state are being hurt by predatory lending practices. Dozens shared their stories with us.  For more information on predatory lending, please visit our advocacy alert page on HB 1913.    “When my daughter was born I took… Read more [More...]

DHS Director: Oklahoma budget cut scenarios range “from the terrible to the unthinkable”

Unless lawmakers find new revenues to close their budget shortfall, Oklahoma is looking at unprecedented cuts to the most basic services of state government, including those for the most vulnerable seniors, children, and people with disabilities. Even before next year’s… Read more [More...]