Protections for vulnerable seniors, children, and Oklahomans with disabilities are crumbling around us

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) made waves in April when Director Ed Lake sent a letter to employees and providers warning that DHS is facing “cuts we simply cannot make without significant consequences for the people who depend… Read more [More...]

This program helps hungry kids and saves administrative costs, but participation lags in Oklahoma

Oklahoma is among the worst in the nation for uptake of a program that ensures low-income students have access to school meals, according to a new report. By not adopting this program, schools are passing up an effective way to… Read more [More...]

New budget plans would go after low-income parents to fix state’s revenue problems

Oklahoma’s massive budget shortfall means that lawmakers face stark choices this year. They can choose devastating cuts to Oklahoma public schools, health care, and other essential services. Or they can shore up the state’s finances and invest in a stronger… Read more [More...]

Cuts to education spending hurt more than just our children (Guest post: Christiaan Mitchell)

Christiaan Mitchell is a lawyer who holds masters degrees in philosophy and education. He lives and works in Bartlesville. A couple of weeks ago Williams announced that it was cutting approximately 100 jobs in Tulsa. This announcement was front-page news… Read more [More...]

Worker benefit denials are keeping Oklahoma’s unemployment rate artificially low (Guest post: Jimmy Curry)

Jimmy Curry is President of the Oklahoma AFL-CIO ( Believe it or not, sometimes the State of Oklahoma gets it right.  The Oklahoma Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund is one of the healthiest funds in the Country with over $1 billion… Read more [More...]

Four-day school weeks could leave thousands of Oklahoma kids hungry

One of the most visible consequences of the state’s budget crisis is the increasing number of school districts that are considering or have already gone to a four-day school week. More than 100 districts are considering making the switch, according… Read more [More...]

If predatory lending is restricted, Oklahomans will find better alternatives

Whenever advocates argue for stronger regulation of payday loans or for preventing the introduction of new high-cost loans, defenders of the high-cost loan industry commonly argue that without these products, Oklahomans would either turn to loan sharks or be left… Read more [More...]

A few of the Oklahomans who the Legislature is trying to kick off SoonerCare (Neglected Oklahoma)

Camille Landry is a writer, activist, and social justice advocate who lives in Oklahoma City.  This post is part of our “Neglected Oklahoma” series, which tells the stories of Oklahomans in situations where the basic necessities of life are hard… Read more [More...]

Yes, non-profits can (and should) lobby

If you want to know about the stock market, you ask a broker. If you want to know what that weird noise is when you turn on your car, you ask a mechanic. If you want to know how public… Read more [More...]

Why tax increases would be less harmful to Oklahoma’s economy than budget cuts

With the oil and gas industry in freefall and a state budget hole that has grown to $1.3 billion, Oklahoma lawmakers’ best budget scenario this year is to find the least bad among many terrible options. While the federal government… Read more [More...]