If predatory lending is restricted, Oklahomans will find better alternatives

Whenever advocates argue for stronger regulation of payday loans or for preventing the introduction of new high-cost loans, defenders of the high-cost loan industry commonly argue that without these products, Oklahomans would either turn to loan sharks or be left… Read more [More...]

A few of the Oklahomans who the Legislature is trying to kick off SoonerCare (Neglected Oklahoma)

Camille Landry is a writer, activist, and social justice advocate who lives in Oklahoma City.  This post is part of our “Neglected Oklahoma” series, which tells the stories of Oklahomans in situations where the basic necessities of life are hard… Read more [More...]

Yes, non-profits can (and should) lobby

If you want to know about the stock market, you ask a broker. If you want to know what that weird noise is when you turn on your car, you ask a mechanic. If you want to know how public… Read more [More...]

Why tax increases would be less harmful to Oklahoma’s economy than budget cuts

With the oil and gas industry in freefall and a state budget hole that has grown to $1.3 billion, Oklahoma lawmakers’ best budget scenario this year is to find the least bad among many terrible options. While the federal government… Read more [More...]

Sayre, OK loses its hospital (Neglected Oklahoma)

Camille Landry is a writer, activist, and social justice advocate who lives in Oklahoma City.  This post is part of our “Neglected Oklahoma” series, which tells the stories of Oklahomans in situations where the basic necessities of life are hard… Read more [More...]

These Oklahoma bills could help put a stop to debtors’ prisons

Dozens of fees are heaped upon people charged with crimes in Oklahoma. They are used to support services like court filings, law libraries, public defenders, and courthouse security. When defendants can’t pay, the consequences are far-reaching; last year a series… Read more [More...]

Private charity is no replacement for the public safety net (Guest post: Chris Moore)

Chris Moore is the senior minister at Fellowship Congregational United Church of Christ in Tulsa. Chris serves on the boards of JustHope, a non-profit that works to combat extreme poverty, and the Tulsa Sponsoring Committee, a community organizing effort. Having… Read more [More...]

Why volunteer tax preparation is key to keeping Americans out of poverty

Millions of low- and moderate-income working families in the United States benefit from a couple of key tax credits that are among the most important ways that we keep people out of poverty and support children’s development. But to receive… Read more [More...]

‘Complete Streets’ can be a path to a healthier, more prosperous Oklahoma

Elizabeth Armstrong was a Fall 2015 OK Policy intern. She is pursuing a Master’s degree in Geography at Oklahoma State University where she also works as a Graduate Research Assistant. In ways far more important than many Oklahomans realize, the… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma has a chance to improve protections for pregnant workers

In 2005, Tashara Persky was working as the lead store clerk at an Oklahoma Dollar General Store. When she informed her supervisor that she was pregnant and that her doctor had told her not to lift more than 15 pounds,… Read more [More...]