Oklahoma school funding: Even worse than you thought (Guest post: Ryan Gentzler)

Ryan Gentzler is an OK Policy Research Fellow, a Master of Public Administration student at the University of Oklahoma, and a Research Associate with the Early Childhood Education Institute. In October, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities published an… Read more [More...]

Supporting innovation in Oklahoma’s rural schools (Guest post: Sarah Julian)

Sarah Julian is the Director of Communications for the Oklahoma Public School Resource Center, a non-profit that provides support and resources to the state’s public schools. Oklahoma’s public schools continue to face difficult financial challenges—this is neither new nor surprising.… Read more [More...]

Should Oklahoma require a civics test to graduate high school?

This post is by OK Policy intern Dakota States. Dakota is a recent graduate of Oklahoma State University, where he studied political science, environmental sociology, and screen studies. A common stereotype of high school civics is a teacher who’d rather… Read more [More...]

Education funding schemes no substitute for dealing with taxes

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. You can sign up on his website to receive the Capitol Updates newsletter by email.… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma continues to lead U.S. for deepest cuts to education

Last year, Oklahoma had the dubious honor of having made the deepest cuts to school funding in the nation since the start of the recession in 2008. Now an update from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows that our… Read more [More...]

The public education crunch goes from bad to worse (Guest Post: John Waldron)

John Waldron is a high school history teacher at Booker T. Washington High School There is a crisis in Oklahoma education. Here’s the view from the ground. I teach at one of the finest high schools in Oklahoma – Booker… Read more [More...]

Why didn’t the lottery solve Oklahoma’s education funding problems?

Almost without fail, any news story related to money for Oklahoma schools will attract commenters bitterly pointing out they thought the lottery was supposed to solve our education funding problems. So why hasn’t the lottery gotten Oklahoma out of the bottom rungs… Read more [More...]

Schools, housing, & poverty: Thoughts on segregation in Tulsa

This is an edited version of remarks made to a community form hosted by the Dan Allen Center for Social Justice on “Resegregation of Tulsa Schools” held September 4, 2014. All statistics, along with their sources, are compiled in this… Read more [More...]

Two Takes: The Smartest Kids in the World

Early next month, the education advocacy group Stand for Children Oklahoma is hosting a lunch with keynote speaker Amanda Ripley, a journalist and author of the recent non-fiction book, “The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got That… Read more [More...]

No Exit: The School-to-Prison pipeline (Neglected Oklahoma)

Camille Landry is a writer, activist, and social justice advocate who lives in Oklahoma City.  This post is part of our “Neglected Oklahoma” series, which tells the stories of Oklahomans in situations where the basic necessities of life are hard… Read more [More...]