Oklahoma has options to insure our people. Here’s how.

When justifying their opposition to the Affordable Care Act’s provisions to extend health coverage to the uninsured, Oklahoma leaders often cite a preference for a state-specific solution. For example, Governor Mary Fallin promised an “Oklahoma plan” to address the large… Read more [More...]

Health Care Reform and the 2014 Elections (Dr. Lawrence R. Jacobs)

On November 10, Dr. Lawrence R. Jacobs spoke about the future of the Affordable Care Act in the aftermath of Republican gains in the 2014 mid-term elections to a lunchtime audience at the Jim Thorpe Association and Oklahoma Sports Hall… Read more [More...]

Go get your flu shot. Yes, you. Now.

What’s highly contagious, put over 1,000 people in the hospital and killed nearly 60 people in Oklahoma last year alone? It’s certainly not Ebola. It is, in fact, the flu – and flu season is upon us. The state recently… Read more [More...]

Covering the uninsured is not a hard problem (Steve Lewis Capitol Updates)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. You can sign up on his website to receive the Capitol Updates newsletter by email.… Read more [More...]

Medicaid Expansion’s Track Record Shows It’s a Good Deal for Oklahoma

The successful track record of Medicaid Expansion in states similar to Oklahoma shows that we are making the wrong choice to reject health coverage. [More...]

Misguided ruling could rob health care from 55,000 Oklahomans

The ruling by Oklahoma federal District Court Judge Ronald A. White that Oklahomans buying health insurance on healthcare.gov are ineligible for tax credits may have been a victory for Attorney General Scott Pruitt. But if upheld by higher courts, it… Read more [More...]

How to strengthen nutrition and health for Women, Infants & Children (Guest Post: Monica Barczak)

Monica Barczak is Director of Innovation Lab at CAP Tulsa, where she leads a small team responsible for a variety of research and program design and improvement efforts. A child’s successful growth and development depends on many factors, including good… Read more [More...]

Upcoming Event: The 2014 Elections and the Future of Health Reform

On Monday November 10th, Dr. Lawrence R. Jacobs, one of America’s foremost experts on health care policy, will give a lunchtime talk titled, “The 2014 Elections and the Future of Health Reform.” The talk, co-hosted by Oklahoma Policy Institute and… Read more [More...]

Flatline: Funding cuts threaten Oklahoma’s community health centers

Last winter, Oklahoma’s community health centers (CHCs) received some unwelcome news. A state fund for cover uncompensated care had run dry seven months early. Community health centers, which are among the very few places that low-income Oklahomans can get care… Read more [More...]

Are Medicaid patients overusing the ER?

In the debate over Medicaid, a frequently heard claim is that Medicaid recipients overuse emergency rooms for non-emergency care, and that we need to address this problem if we are to contain Medicaid spending. This past session, the Legislature approved… Read more [More...]