To ensure our commitment to diversity and inclusion, our Board of Directors invites Summer Policy Institute alumni to apply to become an OK Policy Board member. The applicant selected will fulfill the same functions and bear the same responsibilities as current Board members. By joining our Board of Directors, you can share your voice about public policy and advocacy issues, while adding an additional dimension to our discussions about the organization’s work and programs.
Applications are open to SPI alumni through May 8, 2020. Click here to apply.
List of Roles & Responsibilities
The Board of Directors is responsible for assuring the health and well-being of the organization and operating with the highest ethical standards while doing so. This includes overseeing and participating in planning, monitoring effective progress toward goals, evaluation, positive stewardship of resources, and self-governance of and leadership development for the board.
- Be committed to and knowledgeable about OK Policy, organization’s mission and core principles
- Look for opportunities to increase OK Policy’s visibility and support
- Attend quarterly meetings throughout the year
- Help set overall direction of organization
- Establish policy framework for operations
- Monitor operations and set reporting guidelines
- Exercise fiduciary responsibilities required by law and prudence
- Employ, support and evaluate the Executive Director in their role
- Raise funds for the organization in a way that best draws from members’ abilities and interests
- Assist staff with operational matters as requested
- Serve as ambassadors and stewards of the organization in the community
- Maintain responsibility for the Board’s development and self-governance
- Contribute to rigorous discussion and constructive debate about important Board decisions
- Provide relevant information from the community back to the organization.
- Contribute financially to the organization at a level that is significant and appropriate for each individual Board Member
- Provide individual expertise and contacts as needed or requested
- Operate with credibility and avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of such
- Represent OK Policy in the community