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Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act: Resources and Information

Though Governor Fallin has stated that she will not pursue joining the Medicaid expansion, many continue to advocate for taking this opportunity to extend health care access to about 150,000 uninsured Oklahomans. Read more... [More...]

Tax Reform Information

Oklahoma Policy Institute has been an active participant in the debate over the proposed elimination or reduction of the state personal income tax. Listed below are  presentations, fact sheets, blog posts, and other information we’ve prepared related to tax reform,… Read more [More...]

Budget Trends and Highlights

Download a pdf of this fact sheet here. For more information, go to our Current Budget Information page and Tax Reform Information page State revenue collections have not fully recovered from the downturn Tax collections are at historically low levels… Read more [More...]

Current Budget Information

This Budget Information page and the OK Policy blog provide you the key resources you need to make sense of where things stand with the state budget, follow emerging developments, and explore ideas for managing the state fiscal crisis. Read more... [More...]

Unnecessary and Unaffordable: The Case for Curbing Oklahoma’s Oil and Gas Tax Breaks

A new issue brief makes the case that Oklahoma should eliminate tax breaks for the oil and gas industry that are no longer needed and are draining taxpayer funds. Read more... [More...]

Oklahoma school funding cuts among worst in U.S.

Contact: David Blatt, (918) 794-3944, Since 2008, Oklahoma’s public school spending per student has dropped by more than 20 percent, according to new report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP). Oklahoma’s education cuts were the third… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma CountySTATS 2012

These factsheets provide quick and colorful access to key demographic, economic, and social indicators for each county in Oklahoma.  Get important county-level statistics – as well as statewide rankings and comparisons – at a glance.  Counties are listed in alphabetical… Read more [More...]

Overview of the Affordable Care Act in Oklahoma

This presentation was given to health care workers during a two-hour training seminar on the Affordable Care Act in Oklahoma.  Click here for the presentation, which outlines major changes already enacted and on the horizon regarding the new federal health… Read more [More...]

The little think tank that could (Tulsa World)

Original at By Janet Pearson, Tulsa World Is everyone else as surprised as the members of the chattering classes that the Oklahoma Legislature didn’t adopt a tax-cut plan this year?  While GOP leaders did manage to score some important… Read more [More...]