Recent Articles

Fair share? Corporations in ‘race to the bottom’ in taxes owed (Tulsa World)

Original at By JULIE DELCOUR Associate Editor Oklahoma and every state that struggled mightily through recent recessionary times, might have had a far easier time had major corporations paid their fair share of state income taxes. But they did… Read more [More...]

Federal Health Policy Overview & Update

Click here for a copy of the presentation given at a public lecture at the state Capitol on various federal policy initiatives assocated with the new health care law, including state insurance exchange.… Read more [More...]

New report shows tax avoidance by 265 major, profitable U.S. corporations costs states $42 billion over three years

Contact:Anne Singer, 202-299-1066, ext. 27, anne@ctj.orgDavid Blatt, (918) 794-3944, A comprehensive new study finds that many consistently profitable companies are paying little to no corporate income taxes on those profits. Out of 265 Fortune 500 companies examined, 68 managed… Read more [More...]

In Oklahoma tax cut debate, something’s gotta give (Oklahoman)

Original at The Oklahoman Editorial Board  IRRESISTIBLE force: Elimination of the state personal income tax. Immovable objects: Too many to list. That the elimination movement is a force to be reckoned with is obvious. A Republican-controlled state government is… Read more [More...]

An Incomplete Recovery: The State Budget Outlook, 2012-2015

OK Policy’s issue brief is based on revenue forecasts for FY ’12 – FY ’15. Our main findings include: Oklahoma will face prolonged constraints on the state budget even as the economy and state . recover; Revenues will remain below… Read more [More...]

OK Policy Forecasts Show Continued Tough Budget Times Ahead

Contact: David Blatt, Director Office: (918) 794-3944; Cell: (918) 859-8747   OK Policy Forecasts Show Continued Tough Budget Times Ahead; “Incomplete Recovery” Calls for Fresh Perspectives and New Strategies   (Tulsa, November 21, 2011): New budget forecasts prepared by Oklahoma Policy Institute… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma’s Black-White Unemployment Gap

This 1-page fact sheet summarizes racial disparities in unemployment in Oklahoma.  Black workers in the state were unemployed at more than twice the rate (13.1 percent) of white workers (5.9 percent) in 2010.  These disparities are persistent and deeply entrenched… Read more [More...]

The Case for the Income Tax

An OK Policy issue brief explains why proposals from some state leaders to repeal or reduce the state’s income tax are ill-advised. Its main findings: The income tax is the single largest state revenue source, accounting for nearly one of… Read more [More...]

Affordable Credit in Oklahoma: Asset-building and Financial Security

This paper, recently released by Oklahoma Assets, explores the critical role of credit in helping Oklahomans maintain financial security and build assets for a prosperous future.  Access the full issue-brief: “Affordable Credit in Oklahoma: Asset-building and Financial Security” Or read… Read more [More...]

Health Insurance Exchanges Under the Affordable Care Act: State-run vs. Federally facilitated

This presentation was delivered by OK Policy before the Joint Committee on the Federal Health Care Law on October 25, 2011.  Exchange Presentation… Read more [More...]