Recent Articles

Why Saving The Income Tax Is Critical For Health Care

1. Income tax is essential to health care funding. One-third of all state tax revenue is from the income tax and nearly $500 million in income tax dollars support health care programs for low-income children, seniors, and persons with disabilities… Read more [More...]

A ‘Culture of Poverty’ and Other Myths

This presentation was given by policy analyst Kate Richey, on 4/24/12 and discusses common myths surrounding poverty, data on people living in poverty in Oklahoma, and an overview of the structural barriers to moving up the economic ladder.… Read more [More...]

Tax Cut Skeptics – Notable Quotes

Economists Kent Olson, Professor of Economics Emeritus, Oklahoma State University: “With full accountability, authors of tax cut legislation would have to specify how the cuts would be offset. If this were the practice, I believe we’d have a discussion about… Read more [More...]

The “Tax Cut” Bait and Switch

Plans for more income tax cuts are threatening tax benefits that are important for hundred of thousands of Oklahoma families, according to a new Oklahoma Policy Institute issue brief. The at-risk credits include the state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC),… Read more [More...]

Economist Forum

Eliminating the Income Tax: Silver Bullet or Fool’s Gold? A policy forum held on April 5, 2012 at the Oklahoma History Center PROGRAM SPEAKERS BIOS VIDEO Highlight reel (10 minutes)  [Transcript] Part 1: Welcome, Scott Meacham, Deidre Myers, Jonathan Willner… Read more [More...]

Working Group Members Contact Information

Republican leadership in the House and Senate, along with the Governor’s Office, have appointd working groups to develop a final tax bill. The working group has 11 House members and two Senators, along with Secreraty of State Glenn Coffee and… Read more [More...]

Drug Testing & TANF

A bill to require TANF applicants to submit to and pay for a drug test, HB 2388, has passed the state House and now awaits consideration before two Senate committees.  TANF stands for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and refers… Read more [More...]

The Racial Wealth Gap in Oklahoma

This presentation was presented on March 14th, 2012 at an Oklahoma Assets forum on Closing the Racial Wealth Gap in Oklahoma.… Read more [More...]

This Land Live interviews David Blatt (This Land)

This Land Press News Editor Holly Wall interviewed David Blatt, co-founder and director of the Oklahoma Policy Institute. David spoke about the history of OKPolicy, its notable accomplishments, and some of the work it’s doing now— especially as it relates… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma Mortgage Lending Patterns

An analysis of patterns of subprime lending and homeownership and foreclosures among people of color in Tulsa and Oklahoma City MSAs Dr. Angela Gobar, Jackson State UniversityA research project of Howard University’s Center on Race and Wealth Since the housing… Read more [More...]