Recent Articles

Immigration Information and Resources

A collection of links concerning immigration issues in Oklahoma, research groups, and national reports. Read more... [More...]

2011 Immigration Bills

Click here  for OK Policy’s clear and concise overview of the four remaining bills still pending before the 53rd Legislature as of April 6, 2011.  The issue brief also provides special in-depth coverage of the central omnibus bill, HB 1446,… Read more [More...]

Drilling tax breaks add up (Tulsa World)

Original at By WAYNE GREENE World Senior Writer The state has lost $517 million in tax revenue in the past seven years because of exemptions to the gross production tax – the lion’s share of that going to deep… Read more [More...]

Taking It To The Bank: Promoting Savings in Oklahoma

Oklahoma Assets has released the first in a series of policy briefs on key issues related to expanding economic opportuntiy and financial security for Oklahomans. The brief was authored by David Blatt, Director of Oklahoma Policy Institute and Chair of… Read more [More...]

Gross Production Tax Fact Sheet

A new fact sheet from Oklahoma Policy Institute looks at Oklahoma’s gross production tax and takes a specific look at the tax exemptions that are offered for different forms of oil and gas production.  Over the past seven years, producers… Read more [More...]

Report: Tax cuts won’t benefit most state households (Tulsa World)

Original at By RANDY KREHBIEL World Staff Writer Eighty percent of Oklahoma households would see little or no direct benefit from an impending quarter-percent income tax cut, according to a report issued last week by the Oklahoma Policy Institute.… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma poverty a chronic, unaddressed problem (Tulsa World)

Original at By JANET PEARSON Associate Editor The economy is showing some modest signs of recovery in Oklahoma, but for a staggering number of Oklahoma families, that’s not the case. In fact, if anything, the consequences of poverty are… Read more [More...]

Tax policy rarely devoid of wedge-driving arguments (Oklahoman)

Original at By The Oklahoma Editorial Board A truly “fair” income tax system would assess everyone, rich or poor, at the same level and offer no exemptions or deductions. Public policy is rarely based solely on fairness, though, so… Read more [More...]

Cutting Oklahoma’s top income tax rate: Who benefits?

Unless the legislature acts to stop it, another state income tax cut will take effect January 1, 2012. When the cut is fully phased-in, revenues will be reduced by $120 million. An Oklahoma Policy Institute fact sheet shows that the… Read more [More...]

New Fact Sheet Shows State Appropriated Spending Is at a Thirty-Year Low

Contact: David Blatt, Director Cell: (918) 859-8747; Office: (918) 794-3944 Oklahoma’s Economy Grows, Spending on Public Services Lags (Tulsa, March 1, 2011): A new fact sheet released today by Oklahoma Policy Institute reveals that the state appropriated budget in relation… Read more [More...]