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Why Saving The Income Tax Is Critical For Public Education

1. Income tax is essential to school funding. This year, Oklahoma’s public schools received $743.4 million from the personal income tax, which represents the equivalent of salary and benefits for almost 17,000 public school teachers. 2. Public education is already… Read more [More...]

Why Saving The Income Tax Is Critical For Oklahoma Business and Economic Development

1. Workforce and infrastructure matter to businesses. An educated workforce, good public schools, stable transportation systems, and safe communities rank higher than state taxes in surveys of what businesses look for when they expand or relocate. Cutting our single largest… Read more [More...]

Why Saving The Income Tax Is Critical For Higher Education

1. More educated citizens lead to a more prosperous state. Increasing the number of college graduates is vital to our prosperity in a knowledge-driven economy. Oklahoma currently ranks 43rd in the nation in the percentage of the population with a… Read more [More...]

Why Saving The Income Tax Is Critical For Low-Income Oklahomans

1. Oklahoma’s income tax is important to balance regressive sales and property taxes. Low-income Oklahomans already pay a higher share of their income in taxes than do wealthier families. They pay the most in sales taxes, property taxes on their… Read more [More...]

Why Saving The Income Tax Is Critical For Seniors

1. Income tax is essential to funding seniors’ programs. Income tax provides one-third of all state revenue. State programs that serve seniors, including Medicaid, senior nutrition services, adult day services, adult protective services, and others can not be funded adequately… Read more [More...]

Why Saving The Income Tax Is Critical For Health Care

1. Income tax is essential to health care funding. One-third of all state tax revenue is from the income tax and nearly $500 million in income tax dollars support health care programs for low-income children, seniors, and persons with disabilities… Read more [More...]

A ‘Culture of Poverty’ and Other Myths

This presentation was given by policy analyst Kate Richey, on 4/24/12 and discusses common myths surrounding poverty, data on people living in poverty in Oklahoma, and an overview of the structural barriers to moving up the economic ladder.… Read more [More...]

Tax Cut Skeptics – Notable Quotes

Economists Kent Olson, Professor of Economics Emeritus, Oklahoma State University: “With full accountability, authors of tax cut legislation would have to specify how the cuts would be offset. If this were the practice, I believe we’d have a discussion about… Read more [More...]

The “Tax Cut” Bait and Switch

Plans for more income tax cuts are threatening tax benefits that are important for hundred of thousands of Oklahoma families, according to a new Oklahoma Policy Institute issue brief. The at-risk credits include the state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC),… Read more [More...]

Economist Forum

Eliminating the Income Tax: Silver Bullet or Fool’s Gold? A policy forum held on April 5, 2012 at the Oklahoma History Center PROGRAM SPEAKERS BIOS VIDEO Highlight reel (10 minutes)  [Transcript] Part 1: Welcome, Scott Meacham, Deidre Myers, Jonathan Willner… Read more [More...]