Recent Articles

Unemployed Poor

The Oklahoman had an editorial today about the increase in the numbers of Oklahomans needing assistance to get by. Food stamp usage has reached an all time high in Oklahoma. It is a sobering editorial, but an issue that needs… Read more [More...]

Inaugural meeting of Coordinating Council for stimulus funds

This afternoon at 3:00 marked the first meeting of Governor Henry’s coordinating council to oversee the use of the federal stimulus money available to Oklahoma through ARRA. All of the members of the council were in attendance for this inaugural… Read more [More...]

Apply for the Grocery Tax Credit

As tax season approaches, many Oklahomans may be eligible for a tax credit geared to assisting with the rising cost of groceries. The Sales Tax Relief credit, more commonly known as the grocery tax credit, was created in 1990 as… Read more [More...]

Legislative Proposals to Waive Benefit Coverage Obligations

Two bills under consideration by the 2009 Legislature would allow health insurance companies to offer insurance policies to individuals under the age of 40 that do not cover health services that must otherwise be provided under state law. These mandated… Read more [More...]

Policy Group Calls on Governor to Create Accountability Board to Oversee Federal Recovery Funds

(Oklahoma City, February 25, 2009): Oklahoma Policy Institute today called on Governor Brad Henry to promote transparency and public confidence in the expenditure of funds coming to Oklahoma as part of the federal economic stimulus bill by creating an Oklahoma… Read more [More...]

FY’10 Certification

On February 17, 2009, the Board of Equalization met and certified a revised, binding estimate of revenues available for appropriation in the upcoming budget year, FY ’10. With the national economic downturn now hitting the state, the Legislature will have… Read more [More...]

FY ’10 Certification

On February 17, 2009, the Board of Equalization met and certified a revised, binding estimate of revenues available for appropriation in the upcoming budget year, FY ’10. With the national economic downturn now hitting the state, the Legislature will have… Read more [More...]

Governor Henry’s FY’10 Executive Budget

Governor Brad Henry delivered his Executive Budget for the upcoming year, FY ’10, on February 2, 2009. Despite declining state revenues, the Governor was able to present a balanced $7.084 billion budget without tax increases, across-the-board budget cuts, or use… Read more [More...]

New Bills May Provide Relief to Oklahomans in Need

(Oklahoma City – January 29, 2009)  Two new bills introduced for the 2009 legislative session by a bipartisan pair of legislators would provide financial relief from the rising cost of groceries for families in Oklahoma who are struggling. HB 2204,… Read more [More...]

Options for Addressing State Budget Shortfalls

Oklahoma has now joined the vast majority of states that are projecting shortfalls for the upcoming budget year. As Governor Henry prepares to deliver his FY ’10 Executive Budget for the opening of the 2009 legislative session next week, OK… Read more [More...]