Recent Articles

Oklahoma's Investment in the Future

Recently, I had the opportunity to volunteer with an institution that is a true asset for our state. This is my first year serving as part of the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics (OSSM) admissions committee. It certainly will… Read more [More...]

New Fact Sheet Examines Gross Production Taxes and Exemptions

(Oklahoma City, April 28, 2009):  Oklahoma Policy Institute released a new fact sheet on Oklahoma’s gross production tax that takes a specific look at the tax exemptions that are offered for different forms of oil and gas production. Over the… Read more [More...]

Gross Production Taxes and Exemptions

A new fact sheet from Oklahoma Policy Institute looks at Oklahoma’s gross production tax and takes a specific look at the tax exemptions that are offered for different forms of oil and gas production. Over the past five years, producers… Read more [More...]

An Oklahoma Standard

It seems that with each passing day we hear news reports of companies cutting jobs, closing branches or plants, or slashing wages of the workers in order to prevent having to lay anyone off. Maybe that is why the recent… Read more [More...]

Get fit for work…and play (a JYM membership can help)

Over the course of the last several years, employers have begun to take a more active interest in their employees’ physical fitness. You hear more and more about companies, such as Chesapeake, that will even go as far as giving… Read more [More...]

OK Policy Case Statement

Oklahoma Policy Institute (OK Policy) is a state-wide public policy organization committed to improving the future of Oklahoma by providing a non-partisan, objective viewpoint on issues that impact the lives of Oklahomans. As the state enters its second century, Oklahoma… Read more [More...]

The Super Bowl of Fear…Every Day

Over the last few decades, an increasing number of average Americans have become investors in the stock market. This has been viewed as a positive thing, sometimes too much so. There have even been seriously proposed concepts that would have… Read more [More...]

Je Ne Parle Pas Francais

Before the Cajun culture was celebrated, largely due to the discovery of our food, my grandparents lived through a time when being a Cajun was not welcomed in this country…or even in their home state of Louisiana. I can’t help… Read more [More...]

Property Taxes in Oklahoma

Property taxes are the largest single local government revenue sources in Oklahoma and Oklahoma has among the nation’s lowest property taxes. Two ballot measures that will be voted on in Novermber 2012 would further limit property taxes if approved by… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma Setting the Curve

A new report released by the National Alliance of Mental Illness grades the states on their overall care and treatment of people with mental illness. Sadly, the nation’s overall grade is a D, with not a single state making an… Read more [More...]