Recent Articles

Falling Flat: FY ’09 Budget Review

The 2008 Legislature approved a “maintenance-of-effort” budget that provides a mere 0.7% increase in appropriations for FY ’09 compared to FY ’08. However, as agencies grapple with rising operating costs and unfunded benefit increases, flat funding may fall short of… Read more [More...]

On the Brink: Oklahoma Families Are Already Facing Tough Times

Oklahoma’s economy continues to outperform the nation’s as a whole, yet many families are already caught in the financial pinch of stagnant wages and rising costs. This issue brief and the fact sheet explore the main factors contributing to the… Read more [More...]

SEED Fact Sheet: Oklahoma College Savings Task Force

This fact sheet was produced in 2007 for the Public Policy Department of the Community Action Project of Tulsa County under the direction of David Blatt, then Director of Policy at CAP.  This fact sheet summarizes the recommendations of a… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma College Savings Task Force Report

This report contains the finding of a Legislative Task Force which was created to review and make recommendations about program options to increase the number of and amount of savings in Oklahoma 529 college savings plans, especially the college savings… Read more [More...]

Alliance Insight: Tax Cuts and Consequences

This Insight was produced for the Alliance for Oklahoma’s Future under the direction of David Blatt, then Chair of the Alliance. Although Oklahoma’s economy continues to show signs of decent growth, the state budget is in rough straits. This Insight… Read more [More...]

Alliance Insight: Governor’s Budget Reveals Funding Squeeze Ahead

This Insight was produced for the Alliance for Oklahoma’s Future under the direction of David Blatt, then Chair of the Alliance.  Governor Brad Henry’s $7.3 billion fiscal 2009 budget reflects the struggle ahead, as rising costs and slowing revenues translate… Read more [More...]

Tax Cuts and Consequences

This fact sheet was produced for the Alliance for Oklahoma’s Future under the direction of David Blatt, then Chair of the Alliance. Although Oklahoma’s economy continues to show signs of decent growth, the state budget is in rough straits. This… Read more [More...]

CAP Fact Sheet: HB 1804: Facts and Fiction

This November 2007 fact sheet was produced for the Public Policy Department of the Community Action Project of Tulsa County under the direction of David Blatt, then Director of Policy at CAP. HB 1804, Oklahoma’s law targeting illegal immigrants, took… Read more [More...]

CAP Issue Brief: Interpreting HB 1804: A Guide to Understanding Oklahoma’s New Immigration Bill

This August 2007 issue brief was produced for the Public Policy Department of the Community Action Project of Tulsa County under the direction of David Blatt, then Director of Policy at CAP  HB 1804 passed the Oklahoma Legislature during the… Read more [More...]

Presentation: Overview of HB 1804

HB 1804 was introduced and passed during the 2007 Oklahoma Legislative session. The bill passed both Chambers by large veto-proof margins (85-13; 41-6) and was signed by Governor Henry on May 8th. The bill took effect November 1, 2007 (although… Read more [More...]