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Back to work for lawmakers? It depends on the Supreme Court’s definition of a revenue bill

NOTE: This post was written prior to the Supreme Court’s decision striking down the smoking cessation fee included in SB 845. Click here for the Court’s decision. Here is the statement from the Save Our State coalition, of which OK… Read more [More...]

Summer Rerun: Sales tax holiday is poor policy

Note: This post originally ran in August 2016. This weekend, many Oklahomans will flock to the stores to take advantage of the state’s annual three-day sales tax holiday weekend. Since 2007, shoppers are allowed to buy clothing items under $100… Read more [More...]

Next year’s budget starts over $400 million in the hole

When Governor Mary Fallin delivered her State of the State address in February, she made a strong call for lawmakers to end the practice of balancing the state budget through the use of one-time revenues, saying: Oklahoma will continue to… Read more [More...]

Proposed budget leaves Oklahoma services massively underfunded

Note: This post was updated May 28th to reflect current information. The General Appropriation bill passed the Legislature and is awaiting action from Gov. Fallin. After months of wrangling and stalled negotiations, legislative leaders finally introduced budget bills late Tuesday… Read more [More...]

Revenue Bills

The Oklahoma Constitution (Article V, Section 33) sets the following conditions on revenue bills: A. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives. The Senate may propose amendments to revenue bills. B. No revenue bill shall… Read more [More...]

Special Session

A special session, also known as an extraordinary session, may be called to address issues that are unresolved during regular legislative sessions, which can run only from the first Monday in February through the last Friday in May of the… Read more [More...]

How much new revenue will ending oil and gas tax breaks bring in?

As the budget debate has intensified in recent weeks, legislators and advocates have heard dramatically different estimates of how much additional revenue could be raised by ending or reducing the special tax rate for oil and gas production. Some have… Read more [More...]

On revenue options, the right choice is “All of the Above”

With less than three weeks left in the legislative session, there is still no overall budget agreement. Facing a budget hole of close to $1 billion, a bipartisan consensus has emerged at the Capitol on the need for substantial new… Read more [More...]

Engrossed Bill

A bill that passes out of one chamber is engrossed, and then sent to the other chamber. If the bill passes the second chamber but not in its final form (e.g. it has been amended or has had its title… Read more [More...]

We must end oil and gas tax breaks to save Oklahoma communities

Oklahoma is facing a genuine budget crisis. Our schools, care providers, correctional facilities, judicial system, and other critical functions have absorbed year after year of cuts and are losing the ability to fill their basic missions. The loss of these services… Read more [More...]