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Budget Trends and Outlook — March 2017

[Download this fact sheet as a pdf.] Oklahoma faces another large budget hole next year. The State Equalization Board has certified $6.030 billion in available revenue for next year, which is $748 million less than this year’s initial appropriation. The… Read more [More...]

“Small loan” bill would mean big debts for Oklahoma families

For many Oklahomans in a financial trouble, payday loans can seem like a quick and easy fix. Borrowers can take out a payday loan for up to $500, secured by a post-dated check, usually for a period of 12 to… Read more [More...]

Committee Substitute

A committee substitute is a revised version of legislation proposed for consideration and adoption by a committee. The committee substitute replaces, in whole, the original bill that was referred to a committee, including conference committees. It is quite common for… Read more [More...]

Taxing services shouldn’t be all or nothing

A centerpiece of Gov. Mary Fallin’s FY 2018 Executive Budget is her proposal to expand the sales tax base on services. As she explained in her State of the State address: “As the economy in the United States has shifted… Read more [More...]

Budget Update: Key takeaways from the February Board of Equalization meeting

The State Board of Equalization met on February 21st to approve revised revenue estimates for FY 2017 and FY 2018. This estimate will be binding on the Legislature as it develops the FY 2018 budget over the coming months. Here are… Read more [More...]

Strengthen Working Families Tax Credits

Even while policymakers scramble to find ways to address the state’s continued budget crisis, expanding tax credits that primarily benefit low- and moderate income working families and seniors should be part of the tax policy discussion. Lawmakers should undo last… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma bill would shed light on who pays taxes

In her 2017 State of the State address, Gov. Mary Fallin called for the elimination of the state sales tax on groceries, saying that “this plan eliminates the most regressive tax on the books today.” It’s widely accepted that taxing… Read more [More...]

Protect Oklahoma Consumers by Curbing Payday Lending

In Oklahoma, deferred deposit loans, better known as payday loans, are advertised as a way for people to get emergency funds for a short-term loan. In practice, these loans prey on low-income borrowers by charging annual interest rates over 350… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma’s wind subsidies are dwarfed by subsidies to the oil and gas industry

One certainty about the 2017 legislative session is that tax breaks for the wind industry are going to be a prime target for lawmakers looking for ways to address the state’s short-term budget gap and long-term structural budget deficit. Close… Read more [More...]

Tax cut triggers are anything but fiscally responsible

Ten states, including Oklahoma, have enacted tax cuts in recent years that are deferred to a future date based on state revenues reaching a certain level or rate of growth. A new report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities,… Read more [More...]