Recent Articles

Sex, forecasting and fiscal planning (okay, no sex)

Twice a year,  the seven members of the State Board of Equalization – six statewide elected officers and the Secretary of Agriculture – get together to certify how much revenue the legislature will have to appropriate for the upcoming fiscal… Read more [More...]

Education follows the ROADS to guaranteed funding growth

A decade ago, following the overwhelming defeat of a referendum to boost state taxes on motor fuels, supporters of increased transportation funding hit on a new approach.  In 2005, the legislature approved HB 1078,  creating the Rebuilding Oklahoma Access and… Read more [More...]

New Poll: Voters favor end to drilling tax break

A new poll finds that Oklahoma voters strongly support eliminating tax breaks for horizontal drilling in order to  provide more funding for education, public safety, highways, and other state needs. Nearly two-thirds of voters (64 percent) oppose providing tax breaks… Read more [More...]

Poll: Voters favor eliminating tax breaks for horizontal drilling

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: David Blatt 918-859-8747918-859-8747 (cell) Poll: Voters Favor Eliminating Tax Break for Horizontal Drilling (Tulsa, OK: April 8, 2014): A new poll finds that Oklahoma voters strongly support eliminating tax breaks for horizontal drilling in order to … Read more [More...]

That’s a Whopper: Total revenue is a false measure of school funding

In making the case against additional funding for public schools, the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA) has recently asserted that “Oklahoma’s per-pupil revenues — – a whopping $12,206 in fiscal year 2013 — – are at record levels.”  The… Read more [More...]

With the right choices, we can restore education funding

These are the prepared remarks delivered by David Blatt at the Oklahoma Education Rally on March 31st It’s amazing to see such a huge crowd standing up for public education and Oklahoma’s children. Thank you all for being here. My… Read more [More...]

Filling the Hole: Options for a balanced approach to the state budget shortfall

The Board of Equalization has certified that legislators will have $188 million less for next year’s budget compared to this year.  In her FY 2015 Executive Budget, Governor Fallin proposed an overall cut of 1.9 percent across all of state… Read more [More...]

Report Lays Out Options for a Balanced Approach to Filling the Budget Hole

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Contact: David Blatt (918) 859-8747(918) 859-8747   (TULSA, OK):  Despite a drop in revenue certified as available for next year’s budget, a new brief from Oklahoma Policy Institute shows that budget cuts are not… Read more [More...]

Filling the Budget Hole: Options for a Balanced Approach

Despite a drop in revenue certified as available for next year’s budget, a new report from Oklahoma Policy Institute shows that budget cuts are not inevitable. [More...]

Graph of the Day: State tax rates and drilling activity show no correlation

In recent years there has been a tremendous growth of horizontal drilling for oil and gas across the United States.  In Oklahoma, this has led to growing concern that the state’s tax breaks for horizontal drilling are growing out of… Read more [More...]