Recent Articles

In The Know: Prison death toll increasing | Study: Worsening health comes for people of color | Oklahoma sets new virus records

Oklahoma prisons see jump in COVID-related death toll; OU study shows worsening health outcomes for minorities; [More...]

Too many Oklahomans live in poverty, but addressing it takes multifaceted approach (Weekly Wonk)

Census data show Oklahoma still lags nation in poverty rate; Policy Matters: Poverty is an issue, now more than ever; Education Secretary appointment may set up interesting dynamic; State has a moral and legal duty to protect inmates from COVID-19. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Congress needs to deliver bipartisan relief bill | State moving away from private prisons | More

Policy Matters: ‘Skinny’ relief bill is inadequate; Oklahoma’s move away from private prisons (Capitol Update); Oklahomans deserve transparency from state leaders. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Every vote counts | Voting & elections: Policy notes and numbers | We’re hiring!

Every vote counts; Voting & elections: Policy notes and numbers; We're hiring! [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Closer look at SQ 802 results | Parole reform successes | Census matters for rural Oklahoma

A closer look at SQ 802 results; Parole reform was crucial in ending Oklahoma’s status as the world’s prison capital; Varied backgrounds of elected officials can bring innovative solutions; Policy Matters: Accurate census count invaluable for rural Oklahomans. [More...]

In The Know: Gov. Stitt to release White House virus reports | Schools are ‘super spreader’ | A closer look at virus numbers

Gov. Stitt bows to pressure to release White House reports on coronavirus; Schools become a new COVID-19 ‘super spreader’ as classes resume; Oklahoma schools COVID-19 guidelines are widely ignored by many rural districts; Oklahoma’s mask mandates are working; Prison outbreaks create Oklahoma hot spots. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Funding Medicaid expansion | Addressing the eviction crisis | Justice reform measures working

Medicaid expansion will be the best investment we’ve ever made; Eviction crisis likely to be important issue next session; Justice reform efforts deliver results; Accurate Census count needed. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Additional federal relief | Installment loans | Justice reform | Shared sacrifices

Policy Matters: Federal relief funds help Oklahomans in need; Installment loans not the answer to financial hardship; Burglary reclassification is another measurable win for criminal justice reform; Providing legal representation could begin to fix Oklahoma’s broken eviction process. [More...]

In The Know: Supporting Oklahomans with federal relief funds | SQ 805 set for Nov. 3 election | EPIC Charter Schools fined

Policy Matters: Federal relief funds help Oklahomans in need; SQ 805 set for Nov. 3 election; Oklahoma County judge imposes $500,000 fine on Epic Charter Schools' nonprofit; More Oklahoma County jail inmates test positive. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Investing in student needs | Protecting the Census | Criminal justice system: Policy notes & numbers

Investing in student needs; Businesses led change when elected officials didn't; Protecting the Census; Public service and 'the highest calling'; Criminal justice policy notes & numbers. [More...]