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OK Policy statement cutting short Census field operations

On August 3, the Census Bureau announced it would cut short its operations timeline as it works to ensure a full and complete count for everyone living in the United States. The Census Bureau previously announced it would have enumerators… Read more [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Gov.’s education funding doesn’t serve most Oklahoma children | Legislative discussion about Medicaid expansion

Rather than optimize federal relief dollars to reach as many school aged children as possible, the Governor’s plan directs almost half of all GEER funding ($18 million) to less than 1 percent of all students in the state. [More...]

In The Know: Judge sides with tribes on gaming contract renewal | 10 deaths at Claremore Veterans Center | State surpasses 500 virus deaths

Federal judge: Gaming compacts automatically renewed; Claremore Veterans Center sees 10 deaths of residents who tested positive for COVID-19; Oklahoma surpasses 500 coronavirus deaths; 'Our current system isn't working': SQ 805 advocates share data, stories in support of sentencing reform. [More...]

In The Know: Schools adjusting plans | Concerns about virus outbreak in prisons | Survey shows Oklahomans mixed on virus precautions

Some Oklahoma school districts thrown by lack of statewide policy on safely reopening; Concerns growing about COVID-19 cases in state prisons; Regular state unemployment benefit period extended; Survey: Oklahomans have conflicting feelings for masks, COVID-19 dangers. [More...]

In The Know: Pandemic drives Medicaid enrollment increases | COVID-19 hotspots | Teachers concerned about classroom return

State Medicaid enrollment reaches new monthly highs amid pandemic; Area teachers worry about returning to classrooms during height of pandemic uncertainty; COVID-19 hotspots in Oklahoma; House, Senate announce slate of approved interim studies. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: State not ready for schools to reopen in person | Pardon & Parole Board turmoil

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk shares our most recent publications and other resources to help you stay informed about Oklahoma. Numbers of the Day and Policy Notes are from our daily news briefing, In… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Masks in schools recommended statewide, not mandated | Unemployment numbers released | Medical official: ‘End of the runway’ for hospital capacity

In The Know is your daily briefing on Oklahoma policy-related news. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. Some stories included here are behind paywall or require subscription. OK Policy encourages the support… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Nearly 100 connected to state prison test positive for virus | Oklahoma not ready for schools to reopen

Policy Matters: Oklahoma is not ready for schools to reopen for in-person classes this fall; Oklahoma Corrections reports COVID-19 outbreak at Lexington Correctional Center; Researcher: COVID-19 infection rates 5 times higher in U.S. prisons; These hospitals pinned their hopes on private management companies. Now they’re deeper in debt. [More...]

In The Know: Gov.’s tribal compacts ruled invalid | OKC first district to rule out in-person classes to start year | President’s new executive order is racist, political distraction

OK Policy statement regarding president’s executive order about Census; Oklahoma Supreme Court rules two of Stitt’s new compacts invalid; OKC district to start school online with delayed date; Officials: State struggling with virus numbers due to old system. [More...]

Statement Regarding President’s Executive Order About Census

On July 21, President Trump issued an executive order to exclude some residents from the 2020 Census count. Statement from OK Policy:  The Constitution requires that every person living in our nation must be counted through the Census. Today’s executive… Read more [More...]