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An honor to serve

Over the past year, one of the high points for me each week has been the hour I spend early Wednesday mornings in the kitchen of Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Tulsa helping with basic food prep tasks for the… Read more [More...]

Day-after thoughts on SQ 744

Several months ago, with polls showing SQ 744 ahead by a two-to-0ne margin and supporters announcing that the National Education Association had committed over $3 million to the Yes campaign, many thought that the measure’s passage was a slam-dunk.  Subsequent… Read more [More...]

Guest blog (Justin Jones): DOC budget cuts and offender growth are affecting public, employee and offender safety

Justin Jones, the author of this blog post, is Director of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections with 34 years of correctional experience. Like many other state agencies, the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (DOC) has been confronted with severe budget reductions… Read more [More...]

Upcoming Event: 2011 economic forecasts to be released at Oklahoma Economic Outlook Conference

The OSU Center for Applied Economic Research in the Spears School of Business is hosting the Oklahoma Economic Outlook Conference from 8:30 AM to noon on December 7th at the MetroTech Springlake Campus in Oklahoma City. The conference features the… Read more [More...]

Not a pretty picture: National outlook for state budgets looks a lot like Oklahoma's

We’re nowhere close to being out of the woods. That’s been our message of late on the state’s budget outlook (you can take a look here at our blog post analyzing of the most recent monthly revenue collections and here… Read more [More...]

John Thompson: The Black-White achievement gap

John Thompson is an Oklahoma City teacher with 18 years of urban high school experience and an education blogger at thisweekineducation.com. He contributes regularly to our blog on education issues. The Oklahoma City Public Schools has launched a campaign to… Read more [More...]

Show us you mean it!

So many people have told us in recent months how much they love our work  on the state’s budget situation, state questions, asset building, and other issues. We truly appreciate all the kinds words – but ask that if you… Read more [More...]

Upcoming Event: Financial education conference focuses on diversity in practice

The 2010 Financial Education in Oklahoma conference will focus on the challenges of providing financial education to populations of diverse ethnicity, age and gender at a time of growing financial pressures. The conference, hosted by the Oklahoma City branch of… Read more [More...]

A State Question parable

Say that you’re a lower-income working-class family and the house you’re living in is falling into disrepair. There are cracks in some of the walls, parts of the backyard fence have fallen in, and you know that pretty soon you’re… Read more [More...]

Upside Down: New report shows most asset building spending helping the wealthy

It is widely accepted that ownership of assets – a home, savings accounts, stocks and investments, a business – is a cornerstone of family financial security. Assets provide a cushion against temporary setbacks and allow for an investment in greater… Read more [More...]

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