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Solving a problem or creating one?

The Tulsa World penned a strong and persuasive editorial on the voter ID proposal, SB 4,  that has now passed both legislative chambers and is now awaiting action by the Governor. Supporters of the legislation try to argue that requiring… Read more [More...]

Take the money

A new OK Policy issue brief looks at the federal stimulus funding that is being made available to states that adopt a number of modest reforms to their Unemployment Insurance (UI) programs. As the number of jobless workers claiming UI… Read more [More...]


This session, OK Policy has been involved with a coalition of organizations and individuals promoting an increase in the Sales Tax Relief credit, commonly known as the grocery tax credit.  The existing credit, intended to offset the state sales tax… Read more [More...]

Charitable Solicitations Act (SB 1070)

SB 1070, the Charitable Solicitations Act has recently passed in the Oklahoma State Senate and has now moved to the House. The bill was introduced by Sen. Susan Paddack (D-Ada), who has worked closely with the Association of Fundraising Professionals… Read more [More...]

“Lock ‘em up” may not be the key

A recent report by the Pew Center on the States finds that Corrections Departments’ budgets have quadrupled over the last 20 years in this country. The report points out that spending on corrections outpaces all other state spending except health… Read more [More...]

Access to care and quality of care

Recently, The Oklahoman criticized OK Policy for our opposition to a proposal under legislative consideration that would waive existing state laws that require insurance companies to provide coverage of basic health benefits as part of any policy for young adults.… Read more [More...]

Online Budget Guide–Comments

Here’s where users of OK Policy’s Online Budget Guide may post comments, which could include questions, suggestions for additions, requests for data, and thought-provoking arguments. If at all possible, please let us know which page you were looking at so… Read more [More...]

Why We Blog

The OK Policy blog has been a long time coming. As we begin our experiment with what is, for us at least, a new way of communicating with our audiences, we want to let you know why we’re doing this… Read more [More...]

Bonus blues

The AP reported Thursday that Oklahoma’s budget shortfall could potentially take another $65  million hit as a result of tax provisions that were included as part of the federal stimulus bill passed by Congress in February. The stimulus bill, or… Read more [More...]

State government in action

On Tuesday, Governor Henry convened the second meeting of the 15 member American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Coordinating Council, which brings together Cabinet Secretaries and agency directors with primary responsibility for implementing the myriad provisions of the stimulus bill… Read more [More...]

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