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New OK Policy paper examines how our state values work

The latest paper from the Oklahoma Policy Institute — Valuing Work — examines how well we value workers in Oklahoma by paying them a fair wage and offering necessary benefits like paid leave time. [More...]

Proposed consolidation of state health agencies deserve careful planning, consideration (Capitol Update)

Last Thursday, Speaker McCall dropped a committee substitute for HB 4064 in the House Rules Committee that eliminates the Board of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and consolidates the agency with the Oklahoma Healthcare Authority. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Governor’s Medicaid proposal, the need for investing in Oklahomans, and more

OK Policy released a statement noting lawmakers did the right thing when SB 1046 was not taken up this week and urging legislators to keep the measure tabled. [More...]

We’re hiring for two new positions – a Storybanker and an Administrative Assistant

UPDATE: OK Policy has extended the deadline for its employment search until March 30 at 5:00 p.m. due to current events related to the coronavirus pandemic. The Oklahoma Policy Institute is hiring for two new positions to support our mission of advancing… Read more [More...]

OK Policy Statement on SB 1046 – Funding for Governor’s Medicaid Proposal

Background:  Oklahoma lawmakers on Wednesday were slated to consider SB 1046 that contained a key funding mechanism for Gov. Kevin Stitt’s proposed Medicaid alternative plan, which is untested and will face lengthy legal challenges. Comment from the Oklahoma Policy Institute:… Read more [More...]

Don’t save – Invest!

We cannot save our way to better education, health, and economic outcomes. Prosperity comes from wise investments based on actual need. [More...]

Smart policy decisions could improve economic well-being for all Oklahomans

This year’s Prosperity Now Scorecard reminds us that Oklahoma faces significant challenges. But the good news is that the state has the opportunity to reverse course and set Oklahoma on a path to a more prosperous and sustainable future. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Proposed change to pre-k cutoff date, the importance of an accurate Census count, and more

OK Policy Education Analyst Rebecca Fine wrote about a proposed change to the pre-K cut off date, which would be a step backward for children. [More...]

House bill to change the pre-K cut off date would be a step backward for children

The proposed change could be harmful to low-income children who benefit from early childhood education. Moving the pre-K cutoff date would remove parental control over when to send their children to school and give parents less access to early childhood education. HB 2908 is counter to evidence-based practices that work for children.  [More...]

Leadership change at Oklahoma Office of Juvenile Affairs (Capitol Update)

 After 19 years of advocacy for mental health services, Steve Buck came to the Oklahoma Office of Juvenile Affairs with a strong commitment to serving youth, tempered with an eye toward the most efficient expenditure of taxpayer money. His primary goal was prevention, always seeking to follow the data and make services available to troubled youth as early as possible. He insisted the best chance of success in a young person's life, at the least cost to taxpayers, is early intervention with evidence-based or evidence-informed services. [More...]

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