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All aboard: We welcome our two – count 'em, two – new policy analysts

As I wrote in this year-end blog post, 2010 was a very good year for OK Policy. We continued to establish ourselves as a respected, credible  voice and information source on state policy issue while managing major transitions and putting… Read more [More...]

Experimenting with Savings: The SEED for Oklahoma Kids study

Saving money for college can have wide-ranging benefits for young people and families. Savings help pay for college expenses, which assists students stay in college and complete their education. Just as importantly, savings can have an important motivational effect in… Read more [More...]

John Thompson: Opportunities and dangers for public schools in 2011

John Thompson is an Oklahoma City teacher with 18 years of urban high school experience and an education blogger at thisweekineducation.com. He contributes regularly to our blog on education issues. The Oklahoma City Public Schools faced breathtaking educational changes in… Read more [More...]

Quick Take: Latest revenue figures show progress, but steep climb remains

On his first full day on the job, new State Treasurer Ken Miller got to announce relatively good news on the state revenue front. December General Revenue (GR) collections were up 13.0 percent from one year ago and were 4.3… Read more [More...]

What's at stake: Budget cuts are eroding the public health infrastructure

By now, it is well known that the state budget has been under severe duress over the past two years. Overall, as we show in the latest version of our Budget Trends and Highlights fact sheet, this year’s state appropriations… Read more [More...]

A patient's eye-opening perspective on Oklahoma's mental health system

Any Oklahoman with an interest in mental health issues would do well to read the article titled “Asylum” that appeared in the December issue of This Land, a new Tulsa-based monthly magazine. The article is a vivid first-hand account by… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Donna Rhodes): Long Term Care – The sleeping giant is stirring

Donna Rhodes is the CEO of the Long Term Care Authority, a public trust authority of the city and county of Tulsa leading the Tulsa community and the state in addressing long term care reform. While the voice of long… Read more [More...]

Upcoming Event: Medicaid Director on "The Economics of Health Care Reform"

Michael Fogarty, Chief Executive Office of the Oklahoma Health Care Authority, will be speaking on “The Economics of Health Care Reform” at noon on Thursday, January 20, 2011 at the Oklahoma History Center. The talk is the first spring lecture… Read more [More...]

For OK Policy, it's been a very good year

As 2010 winds down, I wanted to take a moment to offer a heartfelt thanks to all of you who have helped make this a very good year for Oklahoma Policy Institute. The year started with OK Policy in the… Read more [More...]

2010 Most Popular Blog Posts

Last year I managed to rouse myself out of my post-Christmas, pre-New Years slumber long enough to pull together a Top 10 list of our most popular blog posts. If this organization, with its rich history dating all the way… Read more [More...]

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