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Not to worry? Next year's budget projections likely to be met

Once bitten, twice shy. Or is it twice bitten, thrice shy?  Oklahoma’s budgeting laws try to protect against mid-year budget shortfalls by allowing the Legislature to appropriate only 95 percent of the certified estimate of General Revenue (GR) fund collections… Read more [More...]

Classic Re-run: Of tax increases, revenue bills, SQ 640…and ducks

Earlier this year, we explored the question of what does and does not fall under the supermajority provisions of SQ 640. In these final days of the legislative session, this question has assumed renewed relevance with the introduction and passage… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Michael Lipsky): ‘The public service’ includes state and local workers

From time to time, we use the OK Policy blog to post contributions that offer interesting perspectives on important policy issues for the state. Michael Lipsky is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Demos, a non-partisan public policy research and advocacy… Read more [More...]

Inital thoughts on the FY11 budget agreement

Legislative leaders and the Governor yesterday announced their agreement on the FY ’11 budget. We’ve posted the press release here and the document that was provided comparing appropriations for each agency for this budget year and next, and listing the… Read more [More...]

Health care reform (3): Coming sooner for individuals with pre-existing conditions

This is the third in an ongoing series of posts looking at the impact of the new federal health care reform law on Oklahoma and Oklahomans. Our previous posts have explored the “cliff effect” and the  impact on state budgets.… Read more [More...]

Bears repeating: Are tax cuts responsible for the state's budget woes?

This week, the Oklahoman’s editorial board revisited the question of whether the state’s budget crisis is the result of the large and permanent tax cuts enacted during the mid-2000’s when the economy was booming and state revenues were soaring.  The… Read more [More...]

Rising foreclosures show recession is still hitting close to home

The latest Numbers You Need, our monthly bulletin of key economic and budget trends and data, reflects continued, if modest, progress on the job front and improved state revenue collections. Previously we reported decent growth in state personal income for… Read more [More...]

What's at stake: Prison powder keg

Back in March, a member of the Board that oversees the state Department of Corrections (DOC) delivered a blunt message to the state’s elected officials about the impact that growing inmate populations and funding cuts were having on the department’s… Read more [More...]

Upcoming Oklahoma City Fed Reserve Bank video cast examines housing policy

On Tuesday, May 18th, the Oklahoma City office of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City will be hosting a video cast featuring Dr. Eric Belsky, one of the country’s leading experts in housing and urban issues. Dr. Eric Belsky… Read more [More...]

State budget: Where the dollars go

As legislative leaders and the Governor continue to work on an agreement on the FY ’11 budget facing a budget gap of some $800 – $850 million, here’s a quick visual reminder of why you can’t address a shortfall of… Read more [More...]

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