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Five years later: Voters still waiting for SQ 781’s investments in mental health, substance use disorders

Though the Legislature has again failed to fund the treatments that SQ 781 statutorily required, we know that justice reform has measurably reduced the prison population and that mental health remains severely underfunded. [More...]

OK Policy to host June 30 event to celebrate Medicaid expansion, provide resources for Oklahomans

Thanks to voter-approved Medicaid expansion, more than 100,000 Oklahomans will finally have health care coverage starting on July 1. To celebrate this historic milestone, Oklahoma Policy Institute is hosting a June 30 event to reflect on the journey to this… Read more [More...]

KIDS COUNT 2021: Smart policy decisions can help improve Oklahoma’s dismal child well-being outcomes

Oklahoma children need housing, food, health care, educational opportunities, and stable, nurturing environments to succeed. These essentials, however, are out of reach for many Oklahomans as the result of poverty, structural racism, and other barriers. [More...]

Reducing Oklahoma’s excessive reliance on incarceration (Capitol Update)

At the beginning of the 2018 legislative session, former Oklahoma Department of Corrections (ODOC) Director Joe Allbaugh was asking for over $1.5 billion in appropriations for the Department of Corrections for FY 2019. More than $800 million of the request… Read more [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Justice reform during 2021 session | Juneteenth holiday overdue | More

The 2021 session saw passage of economic justice reforms, but Oklahoma’s prison crisis demands greater action; Quartz Mountain renovation brings back memories; Policy Matters: Move to make Juneteenth holiday long overdue; OK Policy announces three new board members. [More...]

Quartz Mountain renovation brings back memories

There is a nice article by Jennie Melendez in eCapitol News, reporting a grand reopening and ribbon cutting ceremony to unveil the newly renovated Quartz Mountain State Park Lodge at Lone Wolf near Altus. Reading the article brought back warm… Read more [More...]

The 2021 session saw passage of economic justice reforms, but Oklahoma’s prison crisis demands greater action

Criminal justice reform was a lower profile priority in Oklahoma’s 2021 legislative session compared to previous years. Despite this fact, several significant reforms aimed at increasing economic opportunity for justice-involved families were signed into law. [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Session wrap up for health issues, working families | Expansion numbers encouraging | What’s next for managed care?

Session proved a mixed bag for health issues; Working families got a little of the help they needed this session; What comes next after Supreme Court strikes down managed care plan? (Capitol Update); Policy Matters: Expansion enrollment numbers encouraging [More...]

Working families got a little of the help they needed this session

Families are the backbone of our society and economy, but too many Oklahoma families cannot keep up. Many Oklahoma jobs pay less than a quarter of what it takes to support a family. [More...]

OK Policy announces three new board members

The Oklahoma Policy Institute has announced the addition of three new members for its board of directors. [More...]

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