Oklahoma’s Budget Outlook: Confronting the Fiscal Gap (State Budget Summit 2015)

Presentation by OK Policy Executive Director David Blatt to the 2015 State Budget Summit, January 29, 2015  Download the presentation (PDF)  Oklahoma’s Budget Outlook: Confronting the Fiscal Gap by dblattok… Read more [More...]

Repairing Oklahoma’s Broken Democracy

With voter turnout at record lows and most legislators running unopposed, it's hard to escape the conclusion that democracy is broken in Oklahoma. Our new report shares ideas for how to increase voter knowledge and participation, while giving Oklahomans more choices on the ballot. [More...]

Health Care Reform and the 2014 Elections (Dr. Lawrence R. Jacobs)

On November 10, Dr. Lawrence R. Jacobs spoke about the future of the Affordable Care Act in the aftermath of Republican gains in the 2014 mid-term elections to a lunchtime audience at the Jim Thorpe Association and Oklahoma Sports Hall… Read more [More...]

Medicaid Expansion’s Track Record Shows It’s a Good Deal for Oklahoma

The successful track record of Medicaid Expansion in states similar to Oklahoma shows that we are making the wrong choice to reject health coverage. [More...]

Oklahoma Poverty Profile

The 2013 Oklahoma Poverty Profile is a 2-page fact sheet that displays data and information about poverty in the state through concise and colorful charts and infographics, summarizing key findings from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Just over… Read more [More...]

Schools, housing, & poverty: Thoughts on segregation in Tulsa

This is an edited version of remarks made to a community form hosted by the Dan Allen Center for Social Justice on “Resegregation of Tulsa Schools” held September 4, 2014. All statistics, along with their sources, are compiled in this… Read more [More...]

FY 2015 Budget Highlights

The FY 2015 Budget Highlights is one of the most informative and accessible ways to track Oklahoma’s public spending. [More...]

Curbing the Horizontal Drilling Tax Break: Resources and Information

See also our Tax Reform information page and Budget and Taxes page for resources on other Oklahoma tax issues Reports and Fact Sheets 1-page Table on Gross Production Rates under HB 2562 and Old Law (June 2015) NEW: Fact Sheet… Read more [More...]

Fact Sheet: Investing In Education Is Key For Growth And Job Creation

Download this fact sheet as a PDF. “Years ago, I often heard companies say the cost of doing business was their No. 1 concern. During my time in the Tulsa Regional Chamber and now as secretary of state, I am… Read more [More...]

Filling the Budget Hole: Options for a Balanced Approach

Despite a drop in revenue certified as available for next year’s budget, a new report from Oklahoma Policy Institute shows that budget cuts are not inevitable. [More...]