Eliminating the Income Tax: Silver Bullet or Fool’s Gold?
A policy forum held on April 5, 2012 at the Oklahoma History Center
- Highlight reel (10 minutes) [Transcript]
- Part 1: Welcome, Scott Meacham, Deidre Myers, Jonathan Willner
- Part 2: Cynthia Rogers, Kent Olson, Lex Holmes
- Part 3: Roy Willams, Justin McLaughlin, Q & A
Deidre Myers, “Oklahoma’s Economy: Recent Performance and Future Trends”
Dr. Jonathan Willner, “Just (some of) the Facts, Ma’am: The Laffer Report on Oklahoma Income Tax Rates”
Dr. Cynthia Rogers, “The Devil is in the Details: Tax Policy and Economic Growth”
Dr. Kent Olson, “Phasing Out Oklahoma’s Personal Income Tax: Digging a Deeper Hole”
Justin McLaughlin, “The Role of Taxes and Incentives in Recruiting Primary Jobs”
Income tax-elimination effort flawed, say economists, economic developers (Journal Record’s 23rd & Lincoln, April 5)
CapitolBeat OK Interviews OK Policy’s David Blatt about the Fourm (Video, April 5)
KOSU’s Michael Cross picture and tweets from the forum (Storify, April 6)
Studio Tulsa Radio Interview with Jonathan Willner (March 30, 2012)
- The Deteriorating Relationship between Oklahoma State Tax Collections and Personal Income (Dr. Robert Dauffenbach and Dr. Larkin Werner, March 2012)
- The Voodoo Economics of Phasing Our Oklahoma’s Personal Income Tax (Dr. Kent Olson, Oklahoma State University, March 2012)
- Putting Real Economics into an Economic Assessment of the Oklahoma Income Tax(Dr. Jonathan Willner, Oklahoma City University, March 2012)
- The Flawed Case for Eliminating Personal Income Taxation in Oklahoma (Dr. Cynthia Rogers, University of Oklahoma, March 2012)
- Arthur Laffer Regression Analysis is Fundamentally Flawed – Institute onTaxation and Economic Policy (February 2012)
- ‘Don’t Be Fooled by Junk Economics’ – Response to Laffer Income Tax Proposal from the Institute onTaxation and Econmic Policy (Feb 2012)
- OCPA – Arthur Laffer Plan to Eliminate the Income Tax (Nov. 2011)
For additional materials and resources on the tax debate, click here