In The Know: Bill restricts AG settlements; restoring 5-day school weeks; workers comp update…

‘Paid first to the State Treasury’: #okleg moves bill on AG settlements. Oklahoma Senate passes bill to effectively restore five-day school weeks. ‘A compromise by all parties’: Workers’ comp update advances. Gov. Kevin Stitt forms panel on criminal justice reform.

In The Know: Gallogly retiring; budget deal prospects; hospital fights for its life…

As legislative session winds down, Oklahoma lawmakers scramble to make budget deal. Stitt working on a health care plan, looking at agency reform, consolidation and use of federal funds. School choice at the heart of state ed board debate. Stitt's picks for State Board of Education to be considered Tuesday.

In The Know: Justice reform in trouble; competing pension studies; solar energy gaps…

Stitt ‘circled the troops’ on criminal justice reform, but details murky. OKC senator to decline Gov. Stitt's education board picks over philosophical differences. Competing studies to look at Oklahoma state retirees' pensions. Statehouses, not the sun, drive solar energy gaps.

In The Know: Changing ideas on Medicaid expansion; education funding in budget talks; boost for higher ed…

Conservative sentiment changing on Medicaid expansion. Lawmakers determined to increase school funding but wrestle with how to designate it. Budget talks to decide if teachers get pay raises. Boost in funding could be coming for Higher Education.

In The Know: Criminal justice reform alive; revamping court districts; Native American Day…

Oklahoma Lawmakers Keep Several Criminal Justice Reform Bills Alive on a Deadline Day. Stitt signs bill revamping state Supreme Court districts. New laws signed by Gov. Kevin Stitt plus those still awaiting his signature. Key medical marijuana legislation, oversight bill on fiscal transparency survive House deadline cuts.

In The Know: Rally for health coverage; consent education law signed; boosting online sales taxes…

In The Know is your daily briefing on Oklahoma policy-related news. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. Click here to subscribe to In The Know and see past editions. New from OK… Read more

In The Know: Lawsuit cap struck down; Legislature considers coverage expansion; Stitt opposes Medicaid on ballot…

In The Know is your daily briefing on Oklahoma policy-related news. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. Click here to subscribe to In The Know and see past editions. New from OK… Read more