The real cost of the capital gains deduction could be much more than $100 million, but we have good options for reform

Oklahoma’s capital gains deduction is the most expensive tax incentive in the state, according to reports from the Oklahoma Tax Commission. In 2015-2016, this deduction cost $105 million, and it led to an estimated $474 million in forgone tax revenues from 2010… Read more [More...]

The education funding package is a major step forward. There’s more work to do.

The Oklahoma Legislature last week passed a set of bills to provide pay raises to teachers, school support staff, and public employees funded primarily by a tax increase on tobacco, motor fuels, and gross production. Passage of the revenue bill… Read more [More...]

Bill Watch: Next week in #okleg | March 30, 2018

In our weekly Bill Watch post, we discuss what happened and what to look for in the bills we’re following most closely in the Oklahoma Legislature. See our advocacy alerts page for more ways to take action on these issues.… Read more [More...]

Statement: Revenues bill is a good start and lawmakers can do more

Oklahoma Policy Institute released a statement on the House passage of HB 1010xx to fund a teacher raise and other serious public needs: The revenues approved in HB1010xx are a great start to keeping our best teachers in the classroom… Read more [More...]

Bill Watch: Next week in #okleg

This week we’re launching a new weekly update to our blog that previews some of the bills we’re watching in the Oklahoma Legislature over the next week. Throughout the week, we’ll continuing sharing advocacy alerts with ways that you can… Read more [More...]

State Funding Crisis and the Teacher Walkout: Resources & Information

Oklahoma teachers and school districts all over the state have shut down schools since April 2nd to advocate for better funding of education and other core state services. This page compiles resources to help you understand the context for Oklahoma’s… Read more [More...]

Surviving measures to reform SQ 640 are a choice between bad and worse

For a brief moment, it looked as though there might be one silver lining to the ongoing state budget crisis. Over the past two years, a majority of legislators have voted repeatedly for tax increases needed to avert budget cuts… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma has many good options to resolve the teacher walkout

The Oklahoma Education Association last week called on the Legislature to support an ambitious proposal to increase funding for public education and state services. The association, which represents nearly 40,000 teachers and school employees across the state, warned that “If… Read more [More...]

Despite all the complaining about SQ 640, legislators avoid votes to reform it (Capitol Update)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. This past week was important in determining what legislators will be able to accomplish this session. It… Read more [More...]

Budget Trends and Outlook — March 2018

Download a printable pdf of this fact sheet. Oklahoma’s budget shortfalls continue despite revenue improvements. Lawmakers met in two special session in 2017-18 looking for ways to fill a $215 million hole budget hole that resulted from the Supreme Court… Read more [More...]