Business leaders urge rejection of tax triggers

As reported in CapitolBeatOK, a group of 30 prominent business executives, civic leaders and philanthropists recently sent an open letter to the Governor, Speaker and Senate Pro Tem urging them not to adopt a trigger mechanism that would lead to… Read more [More...]

The conservative anti-poverty program

In all of the major income tax proposals this year (including the plan announced yesterday by Senate Republicans), the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) has been targeted for elimination. That’s strange, because lawmakers have made no clear argument for why we should lose this… Read more [More...]

STATEMENT: Senate Republican tax plan makes progress but still puts unfair burden on working families

Oklahoma Policy Institute Director David Blatt released the following statement in response to new details from Senate Republicans about their tax plan: We commend the Senate Republicans for committing to the principles that tax cuts must be paid for and… Read more [More...]

Politicians make bad fortune-tellers

A key question in the income tax debate has been whether tax cut supporters were taking a “responsible” approach in their proposals. They have worked hard to convince Oklahomans that we can afford tax cuts without disrupting core services. Revenue… Read more [More...]

Don’t Pay for Tax Cuts on the Backs of Working Oklahoma Families

Proposals being considered by the Governor and legislative leaders would offset a cut to Oklahoma’s top personal income tax rate by eliminating one or more broad-based state tax credits that are claimed by hundreds of thousands of working Oklahoma families.… Read more [More...]

Poll shows Oklahomans oppose income tax cut plans

A poll released by the Oklahoma Advocacy Project shows strong opposition among Oklahomans to reducing and eliminating the state income tax. The poll finds that large majorities oppose a tax cut if it means less funding for schools, roads, and… Read more [More...]

New poll shows Oklahomans oppose income tax cut proposals

A poll released today by the Oklahoma Advocacy Project reveals strong opposition among Oklahomans to proposals for reducing and eliminating the state income tax. The poll finds that large majorities oppose a tax cut if it means less funding for… Read more [More...]

Why raise taxes on working families?

Lost amid much of the tax cut discussion has been the fact that proposals coming out of the legislature would actually increase taxes on hundreds of thousands of low- and moderate-income families. That’s because they could lose a host of… Read more [More...]

Sample Messages

You can use the information below for emails, letters and phone calls to legislators. CLICK HEREfor subject-specific fact sheets and CLICK HERE for names and contact information of elected officials you should contact 1A: HERE IS A SAMPLE FIRST PARAGRAPH… Read more [More...]

Contact Lawmakers

Tax cut bills have been assigned to the General Conference Committee on Appropriations, which will develop the final proposal. Members of this committee are listed below. Follow the links for their contact information. Click here to e-mail all members of… Read more [More...]