Tax cuts of the mid-2000’s did not spark revenue growth

[NOTE: This post has been corrected to fix an error in the units used when describing the price of oil.] Despite frequent claims by proponents of cutting or eliminating Oklahoma’s personal income tax , it is a myth that tax… Read more [More...]

Tax Cut Skeptics – Notable Quotes

Economists Kent Olson, Professor of Economics Emeritus, Oklahoma State University: “With full accountability, authors of tax cut legislation would have to specify how the cuts would be offset. If this were the practice, I believe we’d have a discussion about… Read more [More...]

Who's behind the assault on income tax?

Earlier this month, rival events on the income tax debate presented an illuminating contrast. OK Policy’s forum featured economists from Oklahoma public and private universities, as well as economic development experts from the state Department of Commerce and the OKC,… Read more [More...]

The terrible thing about triggers

Lawmakers began the year promising large, immediate cuts to the income tax, but their hopes soon collided with budget reality. With state funding already falling behind Oklahoma’s needs in many areas, legislators have found no easy way to pay for… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Steve Ellis): Evidence and Ideology: Beyond ECON 101

Stephen Ellis, Ph.D., is Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Oklahoma. His research areas include philosophy of economics, decision theory, philosophy of mind and ethics. The debate about the degree to which economics supports drastic… Read more [More...]

Watch This: Is eliminating the income tax the silver bullet or fool's gold?

On April 5, OK Policy sponsored a forum of leading Oklahoma economists, economic developers, and budget experts to discuss plans to reduce or eliminate the state income tax.  The eight speakers exposed fundamental flaws in the research being used to… Read more [More...]

The dream – or the nightmare – of a day without taxes

As the income tax filing deadline approaches, we return to a favorite blog post from our friend Paul Shinn that we first ran in 2009. You may also enjoy this video tribute to the many things we can be thankful… Read more [More...]

Stumbling revenue collections should signal caution

Over the past two years, Oklahoma’s revenue collections have been on a steady path to recovery. For the first nine months of FY 2012, collections to the General Revenue fund (GR) are up 22 percent compared to the same period… Read more [More...]

Graph of the Day: State funding shrinks sharply

In a recent editorial, the Tulsa World questioned the call that is frequently heard to ‘right-size’ state government. After three successive years of deep cuts to public services, the editorial asked ‘where does it end?’: But how do we define… Read more [More...]

Guest Post (Ken Fergesen): Taxes are essential for Oklahoma's quality of life

Ken Fergesen, a resident of Altus, is Chairman of NBC Oklahoma, and is active in banking, farming, civic, social and cultural organizations.. He is a past President of the State Chamber of Commerce. I am really concerned about our State. … Read more [More...]