Action Alert: It's time to make your voice heard on tax cuts

The income tax has been the top subject of debate this legislative session. Governor Fallin and some legislative leaders have promoted “bold proposals” to cut, and ultimately repeal, the state personal income tax.Yet after three straight years of budget cuts,… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Elizabeth McNichol): The "Texas model" is hard to follow and not all it seems

Elizabeth McNichol is a Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities specializing in state fiscal issues including methods of examining state budget processes and long-term structural reform of state budget and tax systems. This post originally appeared… Read more [More...]

The "tax cut" bait and switch

As they ponder plans to cut Oklahoma’s top income tax rate, most lawmakers admit the state cannot afford a cut without eliminating many other tax breaks. They emphasize that we should close loopholes for corporate “special-interests.” Yet as details of… Read more [More...]

The “Tax Cut” Bait and Switch

Plans for more income tax cuts are threatening tax benefits that are important for hundred of thousands of Oklahoma families, according to a new Oklahoma Policy Institute issue brief. The at-risk credits include the state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC),… Read more [More...]

Economist Forum

Eliminating the Income Tax: Silver Bullet or Fool’s Gold? A policy forum held on April 5, 2012 at the Oklahoma History Center PROGRAM SPEAKERS BIOS VIDEO Highlight reel (10 minutes)  [Transcript] Part 1: Welcome, Scott Meacham, Deidre Myers, Jonathan Willner… Read more [More...]

Stand back, we don’t know how big these things may get

In the final days of the 2010 session, when legislative leaders were faced with historic revenue shortfalls and were desperate for ways to balance the budget, a deal was struck with representatives of the energy industry on oil and gas… Read more [More...]

Working Group Members Contact Information

Republican leadership in the House and Senate, along with the Governor’s Office, have appointd working groups to develop a final tax bill. The working group has 11 House members and two Senators, along with Secreraty of State Glenn Coffee and… Read more [More...]

Surprise! States without an income tax have higher sales and property taxes

States without an income tax rely on other taxes to fund government. Far from discovering magical, revenue boosting powers by not having an income tax, these states simply charge higher sales and property taxes. A new report from the Center… Read more [More...]

Pay-as-you-go is a promising approach to fiscal responsibility

As Oklahoma’s tax debate unfolds, it has been encouraging to hear a rising chorus of influential voices insist that any tax plan must be revenue neutral. Given deep cuts that state agencies have absorbed in recent years and the long-term… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma economists give Laffer a failing grade

The push to eliminate Oklahoma’s personal income tax relies heavily for intellectual support on a study done for the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs by economist Arthur Laffer and his colleagues at Aduin, Laffer & Moore econometrics. Last month we… Read more [More...]