Three reforms to modernize Oklahoma's income tax

At the first meeting of the legislature’s tax reform task force, both chairmen expressed support for making top-down cuts to Oklahoma’s income tax or eliminating it entirely. In a previous post, we explained why that’s a bad idea. In this… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Noble McIntyre) – Oklahoma must spend more on public safety education

Noble McIntyre is the senior partner and owner of McIntyre Law, an Oklahoma personal injury law firm. Traffic fatalities in Oklahoma decreased from 765 in 2006, to 627 in 2010, according to the Oklahoma Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2012… Read more [More...]

Presentation to the Oklahoma Task Force on Comprehensive Tax Reform

Oklahoma Policy Institute presented to the Task Force on Comprehensive Tax Reform on September 15, 2011. You can view the presentation here or download it as a PDF. Readcoverage of the meeting from the Oklahoman or meeting notes taklen by… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Tom Adelson, Scott Meacham & Preston Doerflinger): Oklahoma tax credit is subsidizing out-of-state businesses

Senator Tom Adelson is a state senator from Tulsa. Scott Meacham is the former State Treasurer and former director of the Oklahoma Office of State Finance. Preston Doerflinger is the current director of the Oklahoma Office of State Finance. If… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Peter Fisher): Everyone pays taxes

Peter Fisher is research director for the Iowa Policy Project, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization founded in 2001 to produce research and analysis to engage Iowans in state policy decisions. This post first appeared on their Policy Points blog and is… Read more [More...]

Trevor Shanklin: Should we increase the tax on alcohol?

Trevor Shanklin recently completed a summer internship at the Oklahoma Policy Institute. He is a decorated disabled veteran of the Oklahoma Army National Guard where he served as a Recruiting and Retention NCO and a Combat Medic with the 1/279… Read more [More...]

Should Oklahoma Raise the Alcoholic Beverage Tax?

Taxes on activities that negatively impact the public good, sometimes known as “sin taxes,” are one form of taxation that has historically received widespread support. An OK Policy issue brief makes the case that increasing Oklahoma’s tax on alcoholic beverages… Read more [More...]

Fearlessly forecasting–into the past

Once again, OK Policy is getting in touch with its inner dweeb (as if the outer dweeb wasn’t scary enough) and beginning work to develop new four-year forecasts of revenue and budgets for the state of Oklahoma. We’ve written elsewhere… Read more [More...]

Why Oklahoma needs an income tax

With the Governor and legislative leaders talking about doing away with Oklahoma’s state income tax, it’s worth taking a look at how the tax affects Oklahomans and why it is important. In an OK Policy fact sheet released today, we… Read more [More...]

Breaking down the debt deal

In this video blog, OK Policy Director David Blatt provides an overview of the deficit reduction agreement reached this summer by Congress and President Obama. The  deal calls for close to $1 trillion in cuts to discretionary programs over the… Read more [More...]