Unfair, inefficient, and bad for business: Why Oklahoma needs sales tax reform

Oklahoma’s tax system is broken. Despite a recovering economy, the state is unable to raise enough revenue to sustain core public services. The strains will only increase over time as we cope with a rapidly aging population, unfunded pension obligations,… Read more [More...]

Fixing the Sales Tax

The sales tax is the largest single source of state and local tax revenue but is increasingly falling short. An Oklahoma Policy Institute issue brief argues that sales tax reform is needed to ensure a fair, rational and stable tax… Read more [More...]

Quick Take: Revenues rebounding – – except for the income tax

The latest monthly report of General Revenue (GR) collections announced by Treasurer Ken Miller provided the strongest indications yet that state revenues are on a firm path to recovery. For the 11th time in the past 12 months, monthly revenue… Read more [More...]

Back to Texas? Income tax proposal stirs up some old memories

“Imagine never having to file an Oklahoma income tax form again, and having no more state income tax withheld from your paycheck.” This is the scenario floated recently in a press release by David Dank, the Chair of the House… Read more [More...]

An initial look at Governor Fallin's FY12 Executive Budget

On Monday, Governor Mary Fallin introduced her FY ’12 Executive Budget (click here for the full budget or here for appropriations total by agency).  Although state revenues have begun to rebound from the recession, the recovery is projected to remain… Read more [More...]

Pick your poison: Suffocating or amputating state services?

As we discussed in this recent blog post, the State Department of Health has been among the state agencies hit hardest by successive rounds of budget cuts the past two years. State appropriations have been reduced by $11.3 million, or… Read more [More...]

Why education reform is not like musical chairs

High on this year’s agenda for Governor Fallin and education reform groups is to put more money into Oklahoma classrooms by reducing administrative costs. Two bills filed for the upcoming session seek to accomplish this by mandate — HB 1493… Read more [More...]

Where the Money Is

With the state anticipating large budget shortfalls – estimated by Republican legislative leaders as in the vicinity of $600 million –  for the upcoming fiscal year, there is renewed talk from state leaders about the need to protect “core public… Read more [More...]

New data, old story: Our Online Budget Guide on Oklahoma’s low tax levels

Last year we published OK Policy’s (and possibly the nation’s) first Online Budget Guide, a primer for Oklahoma state and local government finance. We were pretty excited about the online approach. It allowed us to save paper and printing and… Read more [More...]

Quick Take: Latest revenue figures show progress, but steep climb remains

On his first full day on the job, new State Treasurer Ken Miller got to announce relatively good news on the state revenue front. December General Revenue (GR) collections were up 13.0 percent from one year ago and were 4.3… Read more [More...]