This afternoon at 3:00 marked the first meeting of Governor Henry’s coordinating council to oversee the use of the federal stimulus money available to Oklahoma through ARRA. All of the members of the council were in attendance for this inaugural…
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Federal agencies are releasing information and guidance on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) at a fast and furious pace. The Department of Education has a webpage that has detailed information on each of the major funding streams for…
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We are very pleased to learn that Governor Henry has announced the creation of a coordinating council to help oversee use of federal stimulus funds. OK Policy was out front in calling for such an entity to allow for input…
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As tax season approaches, many Oklahomans may be eligible for a tax credit geared to assisting with the rising cost of groceries.
The Sales Tax Relief credit, more commonly known as the grocery tax credit, was created in 1990 as…
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On February 17, 2009, the Board of Equalization met and certified a revised, binding estimate of revenues available for appropriation in the upcoming budget year, FY ’10. With the national economic downturn now hitting the state, the Legislature will have…
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On February 17, 2009, the Board of Equalization met and certified a revised, binding estimate of revenues available for appropriation in the upcoming budget year, FY ’10. With the national economic downturn now hitting the state, the Legislature will have…
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Governor Brad Henry delivered his Executive Budget for the upcoming year, FY ’10, on February 2, 2009. Despite declining state revenues, the Governor was able to present a balanced $7.084 billion budget without tax increases, across-the-board budget cuts, or use…
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Oklahoma has now joined the vast majority of states that are projecting shortfalls for the upcoming budget year. As Governor Henry prepares to deliver his FY ’10 Executive Budget for the opening of the 2009 legislative session next week, OK…
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In the fall of 2004 Oklahoma voters approved three controversial revenue-raising measures that offered the promise of increasing state funding for key public services: a state lottery (SQ 705 and SQ 706), gaming compacts (SQ 712), and tobacco tax increases…
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The EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) is a refundable tax credit for working families that has been shown to reduce poverty, encourage work, and help local economies. Oklahoma’s state EITC, enacted in 2001, is set at 5% of the federal…
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