Budget road certain to be rocky

As we look ahead to next year’s state budget, one thing is for certain: it’s going to be a very rocky ride. Last month, the Board of Equalization certified $298 million less revenue for next year’s budget than was appropriated… Read more [More...]

The con-con con

A proposal that could lead to far-reaching and radical changes to America’s time-tested constitution is being pushed in states across the country this year. Oklahoma would be well-advised to resist jumping aboard this particular train. In Oklahoma and other states,… Read more [More...]

One-year price tag for oil and gas tax breaks to exceed $500 million

The cost of tax breaks for the oil and gas industry will exceed $500 million this year, according to projections recently released by the Oklahoma Tax Commission. This is substantially more than the projections made a year ago, reflecting the… Read more [More...]

Low- and middle-income Oklahomans pay highest state and local taxes

A new study released today by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) and Oklahoma Policy Institute finds that low and middle-income Oklahomans pay over two times more in taxes as a percentage of their income compared to the… Read more [More...]

ABCs of School Finance (Guest Post: Lori Smith)

Lori Smith is the Chief Financial Officer for Edmond Public Schools. This post is excerpted from an Edmond Public School brochure, “20 Questions (and Answers) about School Finance”. What is State Aid? State Aid represents the funds that are appropriated… Read more [More...]

Tax cut trigger shoots Oklahoma deeper into hole

Last month, the Board of Equalization certified that revenues will grow enough next year to trigger a cut in the state’s top income tax rate. At the same time, the Board determined that the state will have nearly $300 million… Read more [More...]

Statement: Allowing tax cut to trigger is supremely irresponsible

Oklahoma Policy Institute Executive Director David Blatt released the following statement in response to Oklahoma’s latest revenue estimates that under current law will trigger a tax cut in 2016: It is supremely irresponsible to move forward with an income tax… Read more [More...]

Upcoming Event: State Budget Summit featuring E.J. Dionne

Although Oklahoma is now several years removed from the worst of the fiscal crisis that accompanied the Great Recession, the gap between the cost of providing basic public services and the revenues we collect to pay for them seems to… Read more [More...]

Education funding schemes no substitute for dealing with taxes

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. You can sign up on his website to receive the Capitol Updates newsletter by email.… Read more [More...]

Legislature’s wandering budget hands get slapped again

For the second time, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt has struck down a provision of this year’s state budget, ruling that the legislature acted unconstitutionally when it pulled $5 million out of the State Health Department’s Trauma Care Assistance Fund… Read more [More...]