She’s got no ticket to ride (Guest Post: Camille Landry)

Camille Landry is a writer, activist, and social justice advocate who lives in Oklahoma City.  This post is part of our “Neglected Oklahoma” series, which tells the stories of Oklahomans in situations where the basic necessities of life are hard… Read more [More...]

Reducing Economic Inequality: It’s about wealth, not jobs (Guest Post: Mark Funkhouser)

Mark Funkhouser, a former Kansas City mayor and auditor, is the director of the Governing Institute, where this post originally appeared.  It is reposted with permission. Inequality of wealth and income in the United States is as high as it… Read more [More...]

Crappy Holidays! Truly a ‘Black Friday’ for retail workers

Every holiday season, retailers lure throngs of shoppers with extended hours, blowout sales, and special deals.  The frantic sales environment is stressful for some shoppers, but it’s doubly so for most store employees.  Oklahomans working retail aren’t likely to see… Read more [More...]

Policy Basics: Oklahoma’s Food Security Safety Net

This year brought impressive economic growth for many Oklahomans. The state unemployment rate is among the lowest in the nation, and our economy is recovering rapidly from the Great Recession. Despite these encouraging indicators, Oklahomans also face serious challenges: rising… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma Assets Network: Take action to support working families

In many ways Oklahoma is well positioned to offer residents opportunities to get ahead – our lower than average cost of living, booming energy sector, and low overall unemployment rate are key ingredients for financial prosperity.  Yet too many other… Read more [More...]

The State of Oklahoma Women (Part Two): Healthy women, healthy families

This post is the second of a two-part series on the state of women in Oklahoma based on the Center for American Progress’s report “The State of Women in America: A 50-State Analysis of How Women are Faring Across the… Read more [More...]

The State of Oklahoma Women (Part One): Economic security and leadership

This is the first of a two-part series examining the state of women in Oklahoma based on three indicators: economic security, leadership and health of women and families. The first post focuses on economic security and leadership; the second post… Read more [More...]

SNAP Down: Reduced food benefits set to hit one in six Oklahomans

This post was written by OK Policy intern Carly Putnam. Carly is an undergraduate at the University of Tulsa majoring in Sociology and Women’s & Gender Studies. She can be found on Twitter at @CarlyPutnam.  The Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program,… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma poverty holds steady overall in 2012, but edges up for women and children

Poverty rates in Oklahoma held steady in 2012, according to data released last month by the U.S. Census Bureau.  Consistent with numbers from 2011, one in six Oklahomans (17.2%) and nearly one in four children (24.1%) live in poverty.   To… Read more [More...]

Charity can’t replace the safety net

The third annual food drive sponsored by Governor Fallin and Oklahoma’s Regional Food Banks began this week. In previous years, the food drive has collected hundreds of thousands of dollars and many more pounds of food for Oklahoma’s poorest families.… Read more [More...]